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“I Can’t Stop Checking My Phone”: A Memoir

By: Lindsey Hamilton ‘22

“I would write a real memoir, but I’m too busy documenting my life on Snapchat,” and other symptoms of phone addition (w/ helpful tips on how to STOP). Nomophobia. While it’s not quite a real word yet, it describes a very real and very scary trend: the fear of being without a mobile device.vAnd chances are, you have it. Good news? You’re not alone. Bad news? Yes, it really is that common.

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Trojans360 Trojans360

Chores>Finals: A Guide to Productive Procrastination During Finals Week

By: AnnaLiese Burich ‘17

It’s your favorite week of the year: finals!!! I know, I know, what could possibly be better? Not much, let me tell you. Not much at all. But if you have some sort of weird self destructive streak and don’t want to partake in the most joyous activity of all (grueling, nonstop studying), you might want to procrastinate. Now, I don’t know why on earth you would ever want to do this, but I do know there’s a right way and a wrong way to procrastinate.

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Procrastination Made Productive

By: Kelly Kinas ‘17

Midterms are right around the corner. I know that’s not super exciting and is kinda concerning. For me, it feels like the school year just started; that we can’t be done with a month of school already. Unfortunately that doesn’t make the tests come any slower.

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