USC Kortschak Center For Learning And Creativity

Lilly Kate Diaz ‘20

Have you been struggling with procrastination? Or have you had difficulty with managing your time well? Do not fear! KCLC is here!



The USC Kortschak Center for Learning and Creativity (KCLC) is where academic support is free for enrolled USC students. Their offices are located on the 3rd floor of the Student Union Building, Room 311.

Their mission statement is: “Through individual academic guidance, workshops, academic support groups, and the availability of quiet study spaces, the KCLC provides support to help students makes successful transitions to college. The following programs and services are available for students.”

Programs Available


Academic Coach Program

At Kortschak, an Academic Coach will help you (one on one) identify and use new learning tools and/or strategies in order to help students meet their academic and personal goals. Each week, a coach will help you create new goals on what you would like to work on in terms of your academics. Whether it’s time management, study strategies, focus, motivation, and so forth – these coaches are here to help you.

Academic Coaches are able to assist students with: 

  • creating and and maintaining daily schedules/routines
  • developing strategies for projects into manageable and achievable tasks
  • establishing priorities and creating goals
  • time management
  • support in decision making
  • finding solutions to procrastination and breaking bad habits
  • exam preparation and test taking strategies

They do indicate on their website that KCLC is not:

  • Subject tutoring ( USC Tutoring Services )
  • Individual class tutoring ( USC Tutoring Services )
  • Personalized homework assistance
  • Paper editing service
  • Quick fix/instant improvement for academic struggles

They also note that students must commit one-hour per week, per semester. 

If that does not work in your schedule, Walk-In/Workshops are available weekly. Just check in on the website’s calendar or walk into the office to check out availabilities with any coaches. 

To get started in the Academic Coaching Program, you will need to make an Intake appointment with our office. You can set up an appointment here.

Academic Workshops

KCLC provides workshops on various topics including procratination, time management, and more! Check out their calendar for upcoming events

Kortschak Creativity Computer Lab

Their lab is equipped with PC and Mac computers that have up-to-date software. Students are able to work independently in the lab or work with their Academic Coach.

Their hours are:
Monday – Friday 8:30am-5:00pm

Quiet Study Room

The Quiet Study Room in KCLC is available for any student seeking a distraction limited space to study.

Hours: 8:30-5:00

Mindfulness Lab

This lab offers training, practice groups, faculty workshops, media resources, research, and special events. The goal is to create a meditative and contemplative practice for faculty, staff, and students. 

You can check out available classes here.

GESM 161g: Mind, Belief and Behavior: Learning about Learning

There’s even a class about the process of learning! The course is to introduce students to the field of psychometrics through the discipline of educational psychology.  There’s more info about this course on their website.

Resources Online


And if you aren’t too interested in going in person for some resources, you can check out their online resources!

These resources include a list of apps that help with learning, calendars for cool and helpful events, time management, reading tips, test-taking tips, writing tips, note-taking tips, self-care, goal settings, and other helpful brochures!

Last Thoughts


If this is one gem that you haven’t checked out yet, you definitely should! From my own personal experience, I was able to improve my note-taking skills, time management skills, and combat with procrastination! 

There are several other goodies from KCLC that they share on their website!

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