USC Graduates Share Their Best Memories #USCgrad

By Samantha Romero ‘16


Alas, it is time to bid farewell to these graduating seniors and wish them the best on their path to success. Take a peek at what were some of their best memories and experiences as a USC Student.

Ivan Aguilar 
Major: Electrical Engineer 


“I’ve had so many memories at USC that’s it’s difficult to select any one as my favorite. I decided to pledge a fraternity my first semester and I am glad I did. I met some of my best friends and have had some of my best memories thanks to my fraternity brothers. I can’t forget working for El Centro Chicano Student Affairs and enjoying the time I got to spend there. It was my home away from home that I had on campus, and I’ll be thankful to Billy and Leti (my supervisors) for giving me the opportunity to work there. I can’t name all my memories since it will take forever, but those are two of my most cherished memories from my time at SC. I’ll definitely miss it, and I sure had a fantastic time here. Fight on!”

Taylor Villanueva
Major: Broadcast Journalism


“I loved being on the eboard for the National Association of Hispanic Journalists at USC. Everyone was so welcoming, and that was the first time I felt I fit in anywhere at USC.”

Kyle Valdez
Major: Critical Studies


“That’s a tough one… but I would have to say that the tailgates at USC have been and will always be some of my favorite moments. Bonding with the USC family and my brotherhood, Sigma Delta Alpha, has definitely been one of the best moments.”

Lili Welch
Major : Sociology
Minor: Mathematical Finance

“My favorite memory at USC has been Joining my sorority and running to the house on bid night. Also taking elective classes like tennis and html/css.”

Samantha Romero
Major: International Relations


“Aside from meeting someone the most creative and talented individuals my best experience was definitely interviewing Vance Joy, one of my favorite musicians. I had never been nervous at a interview until this one, my inner-fan girl kicked in and I almost forgot my interview questions. After a few breaths I collected myself and had such a blast interviewing this talented fella. We even snap chatted together! Overall, I am so thankful for all of the skills and insight that I learned from volunteering at the Annenberg Media Center.”


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