Spring Break Destinations Fit For Every College Student

By: Lauren Brose ‘15

My favorite aspect of spring semester isn’t the weather warming up as the snow melts (LOL, California), it’s because we are gifted with a full week to toss our books aside and grasp the first hint of freedom and zero responsibilities. This summer break teaser shouldn’t be taken lightly as it would be a sin to do so. I’m currently working tirelessly on group projects, summer internship applications and study guides for my midterms–– can the end of next week come any quicker? Alas, Spring Break is underway!

Let me tell you, it’s never too late to trigger a spring break adventure. I added 3 girls into my spring break party just yesterday. Now my phone is blowing up with links to Victoria’s Secret’s bathing suit line (because that’s what girls do). I’ve been poking around the internet for top Spring Break destinations. Ironically where I am going hasn’t made the cut for a single “Top Spring Break Destinations” article. Clearly, these journalists don’t know what they’re talking about/their integrity is compromised. As a result, I decided to make my own instead. ; )  

Miami, FL

Endless sun and beaches, arguably the warmest water you will find in the country during March and a globally recognized nightlife scene are the key selling points for Miami. College students from all cities in the US crowd the beaches during the day and head to South Beach for the club and bar scene—there are numerous hotspots to check out such as the Clevelander, a hotel with a glowing pool bathed in neon lights.

New York, NY

While spring break in New York won’t include sunbathing, piña coladas and miles of coastal beaches, it is still a heavily frequented location for spring break. In fact, U.S. News Travel named New York City one of the best alternative spring break destinations. A spring-time must see is definitely the flowers in full bloom—check out Central Park and New York Botanical Garden for a glimpse of green in this effervescent city. 

London, England

When I visited London last July, it didn’t matter to me that the weather wasn’t warm like the typical day in California. I was preoccupied with mystique one of the most intriguing destinations in the world. I rode the London Eye, took the “tube” to King’s Cross station and hung out in a Pub only to end my night indulging in Nando’s, the best hot wings you will ever experience. With neighboring countries easily accessible (even more efficient when using EuroRail train pass, Europe is becoming an increasingly popular place for spring break and it has every reason to be.

Paris, France

They say Paris is most beautiful when experienced in the spring. Personally, I have yet to visit the city that literally every single girl is dying to visit at least once in her life. The Eiffel Tower, Louvre, eclectic selection of wine and cheese, and a bit of shopping at Champs-Élysées are few of the many things Paris has to offer to visitors. Heed with caution: the French are known for their high dislike for “American tourists” and are often rude if we lack the proper courtesy to locals. The use of the greeting “Bonjour Madame/Monsieur” and a minimal effort at speaking French is a sign of respect that they will appreciate.

Montréal, Canada

Montréal, Canada is by far one of my favorite cities ever visited. I love the architecture, the simplicity of their public transportation system, the outstanding food pulled from all parts of the world, and the nightlife throughout the week. But most importantly, I loved the way Canadians lived. Everyone minded their own business but weren’t hesitant to be kind to one another. I made friends instantly and they showed me around their favorite parts of the city. There was so much to do, I didn’t even graze the surface before I had to go home. Canada is the most underrated country and we should blame Barney Stinson for convincing us that Canada was lame and boring because it’s totally awesome.

Take a cruise to Hawaii!!

Hawaii is my home away from home. I typically visit my grandparents, who live on the Big Island, during Christmas and during the summer. I have to admit, I’ve never seen Hawaii during the spring but I can only imagine it’s just as beautiful! One of my favorite parts about Hawaii is how lush and tropical the land is. I am at absolute peace whether I am tanning at the beach, going for a hike, eating the most fantastic fish I have ever tasted or swimming in the ocean that is too warm to be true. Every winter break I spend at least a week in Hawaii and when I return, I feel refreshed and ready to take on another semester. Consider visiting Hawaii before finals kick in. Brace yourself though; you might never want to leave.

Cabo San Lucas,Mexico

This is the best way I can describe Cabo: take every single USC student who enjoys going out and socializing and throw them on a tropical beach in Mexico. I kid you not, USC shares Cabo with University of Arizona but you see way more USC students than U of A. Because the legal drinking age in Mexico is 18, Cabo is definitely the most frequented Spring Break spot by USC students on the whole.  Whenever I tell people I am going to Cabo they laugh at me and say, “You would.” Thats because it’s the stereotypical place for college students to go and it has every reason to be! Don’t let this amazing opportunity slip through your fingers; during spring break most hotels in Cabo wont allow anyone over the age of 26 to stay because Cabo spring break is where all the college students are! In case you were wondering… yes, I will be in Cabo this upcoming break and I cannot be more stoked.

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