Sustainability for Students

By Danielle Collins ‘20

Once again, it’s time to make resolutions for the new year. This year, why not do more than hit the gym and drink smoothies? Why not make resolutions to do our part for the environment?

We’re all college students and have a lot on our minds and a lot on our plates. But there are so many little ways to help the environment that, despite hearing hundreds of times, many people still don’t do. Let me share some of the little things I already do to be environmentally friendly, and some things I want to start doing, or do better. (inspired by USC’s Sustainable Living Guide)

What I do now:

  • No red meat: I have not eaten red meat since 6th grade. When I first stopped eating red meat it wasn’t for environmental reasons, but that has become a big reason for why I’ve stuck with it. If full-on vegetarian is too hard for you (it is for me), this is a great middle ground! Or, you can at least do a “meatless day” once or twice a week.
  • Actually recycle things: Invest in a separate recycle bin for your apartment or dorm. Then, actually take the time to put the recyclable items in the recycle bin. I know the big garbage bin is usually closer, but take the few extra steps.
  • Brita/reusable water bottles: I love my Brita, and if you split the cost of filters with your roomies it’s quite cheap. Then, you can use your Brita to refill your reusable water bottle!
  • Use real dishes, not paper/plastic ones: Don’t even buy paper/plastic dishes, and then you won’t be tempted to use them. Also, try to use fabric towels instead of paper towels as often as possible.
  • Always use reusable bags when shopping: Trader Joe’s sells these for less than $5. I do not go to the store unless I have my reusable bag, or know I am not getting enough to warrant a paper/plastic bag.

What I want to start doing/do better:

  • Adjust the temperature in my apartment: Keeping your apartment/dorm a little warmer when it’s warm outside and a little cooler when it’s cool outside can save a ton of energy.
    • USC Sustainability guide recommends 68 degrees in the winter, and 78 degrees in the summer.
  • Use more natural lighting: If you don’t need a light on, don’t turn a light on. Lucky for us, it’s usually pretty sunny here in LA, so take advantage of it!
  • Take shorter showers: Shave a few minutes off your shower time to decrease the amount of water you use, and get a few more minutes of sleep.
    • According to USC Sustainability, cutting your shower time by 2 minutes a day can save 28 gallons a week!
  • Eat local, minimally-processed foods: Trader Joes has some great food options, but I also want to try to shop local. (Check out the farmer’s market at McCarthy quad on Wednesday’s from 11-2!)
  • Take a sustainability course: USC offers lots of courses in environmental science. When I have some units to spare, I’d like to try out one of those courses, and you should too!

Could I be doing more? Yes, so much more. We all could. But don’t bite off more than you can chew, and not end up changing any of your habits. Instead, think about the little decisions you make, and see if you can make a small choice that might become a habit. You aren’t expected to completely change your whole lifestyle in a day. But pick one thing to change, and stick with it. Then tell your friends to do the same. Then pick another thing to change. And tell your friends. Eventually, we might just make a difference.

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