USC’s Official Student-Run Blog

First Years Trojans360 First Years Trojans360

Attempting to Cook a New Dish Every Week for a Month

By: Lanie Brice ‘24

In March of this year, I moved across the street from a grocery store, and I realized that I no longer had an excuse to not try new food and make fun, healthy dishes for myself. I’d wanted to explore cooking for a while, but I’d been stuck in a rut of making the same roasted cauliflower and rice on rotation. I have worn the picky eater badge my whole life, and I decided that now would be the perfect time to work on it.

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Trojans360 Trojans360

3 Reasons Why Parkside IRC Is The Best Freshman Dorm

By: Justin Negash ‘22

Getting Parkside IRC was definitely my last choice on the housing portal. Everyone I knew in USC was telling me how IRC was antisocial, dark, and “away from all the fun”. I thought my freshman year, for lack of better words, would suck. Instead, I got an experience unlike any other.

Here are 3 reasons why Parkside IRC is the best freshman dorm.

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Helpful Tips Trojans360 Helpful Tips Trojans360

DIY Room Decor

By: Claire Wong ‘23

During the quarantine, I spent a lot of time on Pinterest and Tik Tok getting artsy, but so many of these crafts had no use. I was trying to figure out a way to make those crafts practical and with the new school year, room decor is a perfect way to create a fun piece but also destress through creativity. Here are three unique DIY room decor ideas to add to your room this school year:

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LA Life, Campus Life Trojans360 LA Life, Campus Life Trojans360

Boba of USC: Reviewed

By: Antonia Le ‘22

First off, let’s acknowledge the elephant in the room: this article would have been so much more relevant in literally any other semester. But what can I say? By the time I could healthily drink (read: not overload my blood with sugar) from almost every place that sells boba at or near USC, the world had turned upside down, and writing about milk tea didn’t seem so relevant anymore. But the world goes on, and hopefully, we’ll all eventually be back at USC and free to drink all of the boba we want. So, if the existential horror of living in 2020 hasn’t ruined your appetite yet, read onward for a review of (almost) every place where you can get boba around USC.

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SC Spotlight Trojans360 SC Spotlight Trojans360

The Education of an Idealist: Samatha Power Discusses Memoir at USC

By: Sumaya Hussaini ‘22

Academic, author, diplomat, and former UN ambassador Samantha Power joined USC students and faculty in Bovard Auditorium to discuss her new memoir, The Education of an Idealist, Tuesday night. The event was presented by the USC Speakers Committee and Power was accompanied on stage by USC Center on Public Diplomacy director, Jay Wang.

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SC Spotlight Trojans360 SC Spotlight Trojans360

Combining Conspiracy and Philanthropy with The Rabbit Hole Club

By: Antonia Le ‘22

When many people think of conspiracy theories and conspiracy theorists, it’s likely that they think of some forty-year-old guy, still living on his parents’ basement, posting about how lizards are controlling the world on websites such as 4chan or Reddit. However, this image can be as far from reality as the lizard people conspiracy theory is. In fact, at USC, the faces behind the conspiracy theories are people just like you and me. Meet The Rabbit Hole Club. Started this semester, this club meets every Wednesday in VKC 259 in order to debate conspiracy theories, have a good time, and figure out how to do some good in the world.

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Campus Life, SC Spotlight Trojans360 Campus Life, SC Spotlight Trojans360

Oh, Y’all Different Different: USC vs. Howard As An Exchange Student

By: Alexandria Frank ‘21

As a more formal introduction, my name’s Alexandria Frank and I’m an exchange student at USC from Howard University by way of Corona, CA. I’m born and raised in California but as far as my college experience goes, it’s been East Coast and it’s been Black. That’s because Howard is a historically-Black college/university (HBCU) located in Washington D.C. In other words, it’s very different from USC.

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Trojans360 Trojans360

Conquest 2018

By: Sophia Pei ‘22

This Saturday is the infamous USC vs. UCLA game. A fight to establish which university has the best football team in LA. The most anticipated game is preceded with USC’s greatest pep-rally-esque event: Conquest. As someone who could honestly care less about football and won’t be at Saturday’s game, this event infused me with all the school spirit I’ll need for the upcoming weekend.

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