USC’s Official Student-Run Blog

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How To Mentally Prepare For Another Online Semester

By: Jordan Bucknor ‘22

Okay, time to buckle up for another online semester. Maybe you’re excited to start back up again or maybe you’re a bit hesitant. Either way, it’s completely fine! You’ve gotten through it once, so there’s no reason you can’t get through it again! Whether it usually takes you a few days to get acclimated or you’re looking to hop back into it full swing right away, perhaps some of these tips will be helpful for you!

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Tools to Stay on Top of All Your Online Classes

By: Karla Leung ‘22

With the move to online classes for a while, you’re probably spending a lot more time on your laptop — those classes that don’t allow laptops can’t say anything now! Of course there are hundreds of productivity tools out there, but these are a few that I use, or that I think would be useful to you all, to keep up and make online classes a bit easier.

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