How To Mentally Prepare For Another Online Semester

By: Jordan Bucknor ‘22

Okay, time to buckle up for another online semester. Maybe you’re excited to start back up again or maybe you’re a bit hesitant. Either way, it’s completely fine! You’ve gotten through it once, so there’s no reason you can’t get through it again! Whether it usually takes you a few days to get acclimated or you’re looking to hop back into it full swing right away, perhaps some of these tips will be helpful for you!

Clean your space!

Whether it’s physical or digital, it’s hard to focus when there’s clutter. It’s best to remove as many distractions as you can from the get-go and that includes whatever junk might be hanging around. A clean environment aids in a clean mind, so delete those old emails, recycle your old papers, and dust off your computer camera. It’s time to give yourself some space for the new semester!

Create a welcoming environment!

It’s probably best to designate a study workspace that’s different from where you sleep. Have whatever you think you’ll need set aside: water bottle, blanket, earphones, whatever. The more comfortable and set you feel, the easier it will be to focus. This can even extend to Zoom: find some fun backgrounds for each of your classes! That might just be the thing to get you to turn on your camera!

Develop a self care routine!

Developing a routine that prioritizes internet-free breaks and self care could be your saving grace this semester. Online classes mean you’re probably online and cooped up for the majority of the day anyway, so it’s really easy to feel crazy. It’s probably best not to hop on right after waking up and to afford yourself as much outside time as possible. Keep your sanity in whatever way is best for you!

Take advantage of asynchronous classes!

Take note of which of your classes are asynchronous and use them to your benefit! Think of them as voluntary breaks when things get tough, but don’t get too far behind on them! My personal advice is to always watch a missed class recording before the next in-person class. 

Save your Zoom links!

It’s best to have all the links for your classes located and prepared before your first meeting time. It’ll save you the stress and panic of scrambling for it last minute. You also never know if Blackboard will glitch at some point during the semester, so it’s always handy to have on hand just in case. Whether it’s in  your email, Blackboard, or syllabus, find it and save it!

Connect with others!

Lots of us are still physically separated, so it’s important to find and nurture your community where you can find it! As unfortunate as another online semester is, at least we’re not all doing it completely alone. Venting to your friends, online clubs, Zoom study sessions — all of that is still available! There are still ways to connect, so don’t hesitate to reach out!

Develop a rewards system!

There’s no shame in reverting back to old school motivation. If you’re having trouble getting through a task, promise yourself a treat at the end of it. It’s totally up to you to decide what the reward could be: a little nap, dessert, a short gaming sesh, whatever! It’s always helpful to have something to look forward to.

Focus on your “why”!

Why did you choose to go to USC in the first place? What made you excited to study in whatever it is you’re studying in? Why are you going through all of this trouble? With all the craziness surrounding us, it’s easy to forget, but I think remembering that reason will be essential in reminding yourself why this all worth it. Whether you’re struggling to get out of bed in the morning or just can’t manage to focus in on that one assignment — maybe this will be the thing that helps you!

In conclusion, just hang in there and do your best! Take it one day at a time. If you need a little extra help, you can check out the other posts we have about dealing with online classes, stress managementself care and more!

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