USC’s Official Student-Run Blog

First Years, Health & Wellness Trojans360 First Years, Health & Wellness Trojans360

Advice for Navigating Tense Roommate Situations

By: Kathryn Aurelio ‘25

As much as university life means curating consistent health and study habits while being independent of your family, it also welcomes in living with another person striving for the same goals. While the honeymoon phase of school begins when we’re eagerly attending welcome events, debriefing afterward, bonding over coffee, and much more, it’s inevitable to have some level of conflict throughout the school year. To nip possible tense situations in the bud, here are words of advice to navigate a co-living life:

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Campus Life Trojans360 Campus Life Trojans360

Off-Campus Apartment Guide

By: Claire Wong ‘23

With COVID-19, it is extremely difficult to get on-campus housing and many students have opted to live off-campus. There are so many off-campus housing options but what are the differences? After a few interviews and some research, here is a guide to the most popular off-campus apartment complexes around USC!

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First Years Trojans360 First Years Trojans360

The Smoothest Move-In

By: Grace Carballo ‘17

Moving in with someone is a big step in any relationship, so not matter how well you know your soon-to-be roommate, it’s perfectly natural to be a little nervous. Whether you met through mutual friends, knew each other in high school, found common ground in your generic posts in the USC Class of 2020 facebook group, or both opted for the “random roommate” in an admirable leap of faith, there’s no way you know what it will be like to live with them until you actually do.

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Trojans360 Trojans360

Ask a Trojan: Finding a Roommate

By: Kelly Kinas ‘16

Yo, Anonymous! First off, Congratulations on applying, getting in, and choosing USC!! Welcome to the Trojan Family! Housing freshman year is really… interesting. In my experience, finding a roommate online is kind of like online dating. People put themselves out there and you can either put yourself out there and wait for someone to contact you or look through all the people and reach out to people. It depends on what you want to do.

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