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How I Keep my Relationship Happy and Healthy in College
The conversation surrounding dating in college is muddled with conflicting opinions, with some strictly opposed to the idea and others fiercely for it. Whether to date in college can be a hard choice for many due to the unpredictable nature of school life. With the constant deadlines, club responsibilities, recruiting, and general adulting, a relationship often doesn’t fit into the college student lifestyle. Romantic relationships in college can also be daunting. The idea of seriously pursuing a partnership with someone can be scary as a young person. It can be difficult to forge your own identity and life plan while also hoping you’ve found your “forever person”.
Five Un-Boo-Lievably Cute, Spooky, and Affordable Dates Around USC and LA
Spooky season is finally upon us! Known for monsters, pumpkins, and colder weather, another great aspect of this season is the opportunity to snuggle up with your boo (get it hehe)! With midterms in full swing and Halloween just around the corner, let me take over the search for wallet friendly and fun dates off your plate. Here are five affordable, cute, and spooky dates in the Los Angeles and USC area that are great to welcome in the season.
Surviving in College if You’ve Never Dated Anyone
By: Antonia Le ‘22
Valentine’s Day has come and gone and here I am again: single. I’m twenty years old, and I’ve been single for twenty consecutive years. Not to sound all cringey Riverdale ~I don’t fit in and I don’t want to fit in~ but I’m one of the only people I know that has never had a serious relationship, nor have I ever kissed somebody. Being in college, where it can often seem like everyone is hooking up with everyone else, being someone who’s inexperienced in dating can make you feel weird. Even broken. But, I’ve been working on myself lately, and in doing that, I’m working on telling myself that I’m not defined by whether I’ve kissed someone or not. If you’re like me, click the “Read More” for some tips on how to stop feeling like you’re gonna be forever alone.