USC’s Official Student-Run Blog

First Years Trojans360 First Years Trojans360

Get Going at USC!

By: Ayman Siraj ‘18

You’ll here it from everyone once you start classes. The best way to make the most of your university experience is to join clubs & organizations. The USC office of campus activities lists more than 800 registered student groups you can be a part of. The full list can be found here.

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Trojans360 Trojans360

Ask A Trojan: Freshman Move-In (Tips, Tricks & Packing Lists)

By: Anna Lipscomb ‘19

Hello there! First of all, great question! Although I am not an international student, I will try my best to answer your question! Freshman move-in day. I still remember the emotional mixture of excitement and nervousness as I started a new stage in my life.

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First Years Trojans360 First Years Trojans360

Learn from your Big SCister

By: Grace Carballo ‘17

The first lesson is that almost every word that has an S or a C is “Trojanized” to have both and you shouldn’t fight it, but rather laugh and promptly accept it. Soon you’ll be doing it, too. I’m writing this post for my biological brother but since we’re all Trojan Family, the whole class of 2020 is more than welcome to my unsolicited sisterly wisdom. As a rising senior, I’m practically of a different generation than you young folks and my life experience is worth its weight in gold. I would give my right arm (dominant hand and objectively a critical component of my “good side”) to be able to have 4 more years of college like you young grasshoppers get to, especially if I could relive it knowing all I know now. In preparation for writing this letter I looked through my old photos from 2013-2014 (a simpler time) and can’t even believe how good we had it/have it at USC.

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First Years, Campus Life Trojans360 First Years, Campus Life Trojans360

Questions New International Students Have

By: Ayman Siraj ‘18

USC has the largest international student population on the West Coast. As college decision day approached on May 1st for many of you, I congratulate you if you committed to USC! You’re joining the best family on earth - The Trojan Family (the hype is real). Many of you like me will never have even toured the colleges you applied to from halfway across the world. Naturally many questions arise when you get here, and I’ve put down the answers to a few.

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