USC’s Official Student-Run Blog

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Health & Fitness Apps You Must Try

By: Judy Lee ‘17

1. Charity Miles: Open app, run, donate to charity free of charge to you—simple as that. The way it works is that big companies sponsor everyone using the app and donates on your behalf given that you run/walk/cycle for it. Although you’re not going to get much per run (more or less $0.31/mi), it will really add up over time and will benefit a long list of charities of your choice! A great way to better yourself and better the world at the same time…

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3 DIY Lip Scrubs (for NYE!)

By: Judy Lee ‘17

It’s December 31st and you know what THAT means. If you’ve got that special someone for the countdown (or that person at the party you’ve been eyeing), or if you want to start 2016 with amazingly soft lips, read on!

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