USC’s Official Student-Run Blog

First Years, Campus Life, College Trojans360 First Years, Campus Life, College Trojans360

Am I Even An Adult? A Teen Navigating Independence in College

By: Alexandria Frank ‘21

Storytime! So, I bought these tickets last month to go see Cavetown at the Roxy Theatre. I was excited because music is amazing, and live music is even better. I was hesitant to drop $30 on these tickets, not to mention I’d have to pay more on the Uber, but I was committed because I needed to treat myself. It was Valentine’s Day. I ate at the cafeteria in the Village so I wouldn’t be hungry in West Hollywood. I was dressed like an indie music darling. I had ordered my Uber which was taking forever to reach me for some reason, but I wasn’t bothered because I made sure to head out early. I was nearly in the clear. And then my phone rings. It’s my dad.

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Campus Life Trojans360 Campus Life Trojans360

Being Low-Income at USC

By: Lilly Kate Diaz ‘20

This year is my junior year. For some, it is their last, their second, or their very first. Some are wealthy, some are living decently, and some are barely surviving when it comes to money. While I have other identities, being low-income in college is what I will talk about in this post. In this post, I hope to share my story for those who are going through something similar and to share resources that I have used to help me get through financial issues.

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