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Health & Wellness, Our Communities Trojans360 Health & Wellness, Our Communities Trojans360

Sexual Violence Protection Services and Title IX Policy at USC

By: Sumaya Hussaini ‘22

With recent events on campus like lawsuits being filed against the USC Student Health Center and growing conversations over sexual assault, it’s imperative that students understand the services that their university has to offer. If you’re unaware of USC’s current policies and regulations concerning sexual violence prevention and protection, don’t worry! This article will explain Title IX policy, RSVP Student Health Services, information regarding rape kits and date rape drug testing, and what the Undergraduate Student Government is doing to protect the sexual health and safety of its students.

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Health & Wellness, Helpful Tips Trojans360 Health & Wellness, Helpful Tips Trojans360

Plan B for Plan B: Emergency Contraception Around USC

By: Karla Leung ‘22

Accidents are a part of life, and in a pinch, it’s good to know where to find emergency contraceptives. Purchasing Plan B, a pregnancy test, or any other sexual health item can sometimes be embarrassing or nerve-wracking. Luckily, there are a variety of places around and off campus that provide discrete and convenient access.

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