USC’s Official Student-Run Blog

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So, what are your post-grad plans?

By: Grace Carballo ‘17

If you find yourself trying to evade this question, though it comes up quite often when you’re a senior, know you’re not alone. It’s not too late to take some steps down the path well-traveled, the career path. The Career Center is chockfull of wonderful resources that can help you wherever you may be in your journey. If I could go back in time I would’ve been a regular in their office starting my freshman year. But hindsight is 20/20, as they say, so all I can do now is soak up all their advice and knowledge and connections before I graduate in May and encourage my brother (class of 2020) to check it out much earlier.

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Work On It Wednesday: Why Writing the Cover Letter is the Hardest Part

By: Emily Young MA ‘16

I’ve written my fair share of cover letters and yet they can still be challenging. Why? Sure you stressed over making your resume look great to highlight your experiences, but when it comes to selling your self and creating a short narrative all you’ve got on your internal monologue is: “Ummmm, I really need this job—I’d actually be pretty great at it. I’ve already spent forever on this online application and I just really need to get this done.”

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Work On It Wednesday: Career Fair Frequently Asked Questions

By: Emily Young MA ‘16

Career fair networking is different than an interview; it’s more like speed dating. Instead of a half an hour or hour for a typical interview, you have two minutes to break the ice and determine if you are interested in the company and if the company recruiter is interested in you. Luckily, company recruiters (who do this for a living) are friendly and genuinely want to get to know you. They’re not going to make hiring decisions on the spot, but leaving a lasting impression will help pave the way for later hiring interviews.

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How to Prepare for the USC Career Fair

By: Emily Young MA ‘16

The first step to prepare for any event is to know when it is and RSVP. This Thursday from 10:00am-2:00pm, the USC Career Center is hosting their Fall Career Fair. There will be over 160 different company booths lined up across Trousdale Parkway with recruiters looking to network, collect resumes, and hire USC students. Use my timeline below to prepare and standout at the USC Career Fair!

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Learn More About Your Future Career Path at Explore@4

By: Emily Young MA ‘16

I was sitting in the computer lab with nothing pressing until 6:30pm. Yes, I could have done all of my prepared reading for weeks ahead, but we’re at USC—surely something had to be happening on campus. I scanned events online and looked at the clock—3:45; I could make it to Explore@4.

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