How to Prepare for the USC Career Fair

By Emily Young MA ‘16

The first step to prepare for any event is to know when it is and RSVP. This Thursday from 10:00am-2:00pm, the USC Career Center is hosting their Fall Career Fair.  There will be over 160 different company booths lined up across Trousdale Parkway with recruiters looking to network, collect resumes, and hire USC students.  Use my timeline below to prepare and standout at the USC Career Fair!




RSVP and event info here:

2. Make a list of companies you are interested in

If you can attend the entire career fair, you will probably be able to talk to all the companies you are interested in. But, if you have class you will probably need to prioritize which companies you want to talk to. Hot companies like Raytheon and Johnson & Johnson will have longer lines, so you will have to wait to talk to a company recruiter.  

3. Update your resume

Don’t wait until Wednesday night to update your resume. You may be able to make a good resume the night before, but making a great resume involves multiple drafts and a couple of different eyes to review it. So add your summer internship, edit it, and send it off to a couple of people you trust or book an appointment at the USC Career Center.


1. Research companies

Now that you have narrowed down and prioritized what companies you’re interested in, you need to do some research to show that you have taken an interest in the company. If you are able to have an intelligent conversation about the company, that will stand out to the recruiter, they are more likely to remember you and hire you. For research tips, start with visiting the company’s website, Google recent news on them, look at their products/services, and see what positions their hiring for. I recommend taking notes and formulating a couple of talking points about each company, that way you can look back to them before the Career Fair.

2. Work on your elevator pitch


You only have a couple minutes with to impress each recruiter. Beyond knowing about the company, you have to also be able to communicate why you would be a good fit for the company.  Be ready for the dreaded “Tell me about yourself,” with a polished answer of what you are studying and involved in at USC and why that is a good fit for their company.

Read more on how to make a great elevator speech in my Work On It Wednesday feature:


1.  Make any final touches on your resume and print it out


Hopefully, you were able to get some good insight and make any fixes your resume needed. Print enough copies for everyone on your interested company list along with five extra copies, just in case.

2. Create a plan of attack

Determine what time you are going to get to the career fair and who you are going to talk to first. I always recommend starting with a warm-up, a company that you are somewhat interested in, to get the jitters out before you talk to your top companies. Employer tables will be organized alphabetically along Trousdale Parkway, with “A"s starting at West 34th Street (near the JEP House) and ending with "Z"s at Exposition Boulevard (near Bridge Hall). Also plan stop to by Tommy Trojan to get a professional picture taken, while you are nicely attired.


1. Dress business professional

Business suit in a conservative color (navy, gray, or black are preferred)

  • For men: dress shirt, tie and wing tips or loafer shoes with dark socks
  • For women: neckline no lower than collarbone, skirt hem should be no more than two inches above the knee, and low heels or flats
  •  Be comfortable–you will be standing in line and it will be hot out.

2. Smile and be confident


You’ve put in all the work: you have a polished resume, you’ve researched each company, you’ve prepared your elevator speech, and you look nice. Now, just smile and be confident in yourself.  

3. Get a business card and follow up

If you determine that a company is a good fit for you, make sure you follow up. Ask for the recruiter’s business card and make sure you know the name of the person you talked to (just in case they hand out generic company cards). Once you have their information, email and thank them for their time and ask follow-up questions.  

Hope you all make the most of the career fair and start preparing today! Prepare today = job tomorrow.



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