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Ranking All the USC Housing I’ve Lived In: Century, Parkside, Troy Hall, and Gateway

At USC, most freshmen live on campus in freshman specific housing structures like Birnkrant and New North. Sophomores then have the most ease and choice in their housing because of the sophomore housing guarantee. They can choose to live in a suite-style unit in the USC Village or one of USC’s apartment complexes on or off-campus. After your sophomore year, you lose priority in USC’s housing assignment system, so most upperclassmen that previously lived in USC housing move to independent housing near campus. 

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Campus Life Trojans360 Campus Life Trojans360

Zodiac Signs as USC Housing Options and Finals Horoscopes

By: Talia Walters ‘20

Hello, all, it’s me again— just your lowly Astrology girl who’s bored in quarantine and is willing to do almost anything to avoid studying for her finals! I’m back with the third (and final from me!) installment of USC-related astrology content. Check out which USC Housing Option matches your zodiac sign (maybe for some housing inspiration in the future?) and also your finals horoscope for a good pick me up in these terribly trying times. You can spare a few minutes of finals studying for a good Zodiac-based studying tip! Good luck this semester!

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