Zodiac Signs as USC Housing Options and Finals Horoscopes

By: Talia Walters ‘20

Hello, all, it’s me again— just your lowly Astrology girl who’s bored in quarantine and is willing to do almost anything to avoid studying for her finals! I’m back with the third (and final from me!) installment of USC-related astrology content. Check out which USC Housing Option matches your zodiac sign (maybe for some housing inspiration in the future?) and also your finals horoscope for a good pick me up in these terribly trying times. You can spare a few minutes of finals studying for a good Zodiac-based studying tip! Good luck this semester!

Aries – Lorenzo

March 21st – April 19th

If I had to describe an Aries in three words, I would call them Confident, Passionate, and Extravagant, which is also exactly the three words that I would use to describe the Lorenzo. The Lo, as it’s known colloquially, is the picturesque, off-campus living arrangement we all wish we could have, and Aries are familiar with this feeling. They love creating a picturesque life, especially on social media, and they have a strong desire to be wanted by everyone (and they usually are, but this shouldn’t go to their heads!). Aries tend to be very energetic, and they’re always looking for something new to throw themselves into, and the Lorenzo’s expansive activity spaces are the perfect place to do some hobby exploring.

Finals Horoscopes: This week, the Sun is aligning with Mercury in your money zone, which means your life is filled with positive energies for your success and security. It would be beneficial to take some time each day to invite these positive energies into your life! If you like meditating, then that’s the way to go, but it can be as simple as listening to your favorite song, eating your favorite food, or doing your favorite (quarantine safe!) activities. There is some room for misunderstandings as Mercury is also interacting with Neptune this week, so make sure you double check all your assignments, exam prep, and paper requirements. You wouldn’t want to miss anything important!

Taurus – West Residential Housing (Fluor and Webb)

April 20th – May 20th

Taurus individuals are always looking for the intersection between practicality and luxury, and Fluor/Webb Tower are the places to find it! As some of the only freshman housing that have both suite and studio layouts, West Residential Housing is a perfect place for someone who can’t imagine themselves sharing a bathroom with an entire floor of people they don’t know but who also is happy with the basics. The brick detailing in some of the rooms is a perfect cozy addition for any Taurus who plans on studying more often at home than in the library. Plus, it’s right above one of the many campus Starbucks, which is perfect for our Taurus friends who have very particular tastes.

Finals Horoscopes: The Sun’s alignment with Mercury is on your side this week, Taurus! It’ll get you super motivated, especially in planning ahead. Maybe consider planning out your day to the hour to keep yourself on track and make use of your special talent this week. Pluto and Jupiter are also linking up this week, which means that studying will have a successful outcome, but you have to make sure that you’re reviewing key aspects frequently and reflecting on your knowledge as to ensure the most successful outcome possible. There’s a good chance that you can make significant progress over the days ahead, and inspiration as well as practical focus will be your best friends during finals week!

Gemini – New/North

May 21st – June 20th

Geminis are adaptable, outgoing, and outspoken, which are generally the traits you’ll need to make the most out of living on North campus. New/North has a bit of reputation that precedes them; they work hard, but don’t discredit it them because they play just as hard. Geminis love having fun almost as much as they love making friends, so a traditional dormitory style living space will encourage them to meet new people, find new activities, and go to the hottest parties all over LA. It’s at a prime location on campus, so Geminis will be able to move from place to place faster than anyone can blink an eye. Here, they’ll never be bored, and maybe they’ll find their new study/party buddy!

Finals Horoscope: The planets aligning this week are all affecting your deep psychological sector, which means that the best place for a breakthrough is going to be through meditation or sleep. Don’t get too excited yet! Use these moments of introspection to find the process for success, but you still have the execute it when you wake up. The Supermoon in Scorpio affects your lifestyle sector, Gemini, so it might be helpful to re-evaluate your daily routines and habits. You might just realize something you thought was super helpful is actually greatly hindering your productivity, especially now that you’re stuck in a bit of social rut during quarantine. Try out new techniques to keep your productivity and motivation high!

Cancer – Century

June 21st – July 22nd

Cancers love places that feel just like home, and Century is going to be the best university housing for getting the look and feel of home without moving into your own place. Century has a sense of community, as you typically have few roommates and are able to create close-knit groups between yourself and other apartments. This is great for Cancers who prefer to stay loyal to a few people they’ve decided to put their trust in. It’s the perfect place for Cancers to create their own little homes just a short walk from everything they need on campus, and it gives them a place to go to relax. Also, these crabs love being near water, and Century is one of the few university housing options that have a residential pool. Go catch some rays, my Cancer friends!

Finals Horoscopes: This is an exciting week for you, Cancers, as the planetary alignments are encouraging you to get out of your shell and pursue social interactions you haven’t previously considered. This might mean virtual study groups you’re joining for the final or finally using your friends to help you get motivated or productive. Either way, social groups and interpersonal collaboration, even virtual, is going to be your best friend this finals week. Mercury in your sign this week will also make you highly intuitive and logical. If you get stuck on your finals, use your logic and your instinct; your answer will likely be right! (But make sure you’re still studying and double checking your work!)

Leo – Village

July 23rd – August 22nd

Leos are the lives of the party; everyone loves them, and everyone wants to be them. They are dramatic, over the top, confident, and dominant, and this oh-so-hard to resist personality perfectly matches with the Village. As it’s the newest university housing arrangement, everyone wants in the Village. It’s a prime location for off-campus activities and eating establishments, and its open, outdoor spaces are perfect for studying, entertaining friends, or just hanging out. Leos thrive in this sort of bustling and multipurpose environment, and they’ll make sure the spotlight is always on them. All in all, they just love living life, and the Village lets them experience everything they could imagine and more.

Finals Horoscopes: The Sun’s alignment with Mercury this week is going to end up directly in your career zone, which will encourage you to try to showcase your best qualities and show off everything you’ve learned this semester. If you get to choose a project type or a topic for your final, make sure to listen to your intuition and choose something that will highlight you best skills and something you have the most knowledge of. Now isn’t the time to try something new, though it might be tempting. The Scorpio Supermoon this week might uncover some problems in your work/life balance. Make sure you’re not studying too hard! Taking breaks and having time to yourself is just as important to your productivity as crossing things off your to-do list.

Virgo – McCarthy

August 23rd – September 22nd

Virgos are hardworking individuals who love order and stability, and they’re constantly seeking to be around the best of the best. It makes the most sense that they’d be happy in the honors college, surrounded by other overachieving freshman. With their own bathrooms and their own spacious rooms, they’ll feel like they have more control than in a traditional dorm setting, and they won’t feel as pressured to leave their comfort zones, which Virgos hate doing. McCarthy has a ton of study spots, which will give Virgos choices in when and where they choose to study (which they’ll be doing a lot to stay on top of things!). Plus, the Gothic style architecture will be sure to tickle Virgo’s quiet knack for noticing details, and they’ll love the aesthetics of their home!

Finals Horoscope: The Sun’s alignment with Mercury this week suggests that you’re in the planning and organization stage of doing something big. While organizing and planning are helpful on your journey to success, it’s important to make sure you execute to fully achieve your goals. The Supermoon this week can make you really excited to finally complete major projects you’ve had in the works for a long time, and it’ll be important to focus all your newfound creative energies on ending strong. Be on the lookout for major rewards for finishing these projects, and take some time for yourself before you start on the next thing. Burnout is real!

Libra – House With Your Friends

September 23rd – October 22nd

Libras are natural mediators, which will be an absolutely necessary skill when they inevitably plan to move off campus into a house with their seven other best friends. They tend to be diplomatic, cooperative, and fair-minded, so when roommate scuffles arise and someone hasn’t taken out the trash for the *fifth* time this month, Libras will be the house adjudicator. As Libras hate being alone, they’ll be sure to relish in the companionship and partnership of living with their best friends, and they’ll likely take advantage of having everyone under the same roof. Expect movie nights and group outings to dinner and clubs with a Libra in charge – everyday will surely be an exciting one!

Finals Horoscope: If finals seem a little bit more overwhelming than they have in past semesters or even than it seemed just weeks ago, it’s likely because of Mercury and the Sun linking in your psychological zones. It might be helpful to talk to someone about your stress; you won’t feel better until you work through your feelings out loud, and having a springboard to talk about things might make it easier. This is also a good week to work on home projects. A clean work space can help make you productive, so spend some time de-cluttering your mind and your room if you want to do well on finals!

Scorpio – Off-Campus Apartment

October 23rd – November 21st

Scorpios are not the best rule followers; they don’t like being told what to do, and they like being able to make decisions for themselves. University housing just wouldn’t work, and they certainly can’t imagine living with too many people. This is why an off-campus apartment would be best for them! It’s a perfect separation between their work life and their home life. A bit stubborn, decisive, and passionate, Scorpios will spend the time to look for the best apartment for the best price, finding one with everything they’ve ever wanted. Their space will be envied by everyone, but that’s okay because even though Scorpios love having a space to themselves, they love spending time with their friends even more!

Finals Horoscope: The Sun’s alignment with Mercury is a good one for this finals season, Scorpio, as it’ll open your mind to more practical thinking and logical mindsets. This means that answers to problems might seem more obvious now than they were before— bring on that math exam! The Supermoon in your sign this week might make things a bit more volatile than usual. If you feel like you’re hitting your breaking point on studying, it’ll be better in the end to take a break than try and push through and completely shut down. You might benefit from finding new places to study. Outside in the fresh air or even just a different table-like surface in your house might be the answer to acing those exams.

Sagittarius – Frat/Sorority House

November 22nd – December 21st

Those born under Sagittarius love being free, having experiences, and seeing the world. What better place to do that than a Greek house? Here, they’ll be able to fulfill their needs of socialization with their brothers or sisters while also experiencing what the rest of the world has to offer. Invites alone will help them see parts of the world they never imagined, all while experiencing it with their favorite people. Their generally philosophical mindsets and open-minded ways would hopefully encourage a bit of diversity in the house while their enthusiasm and humor will make them the constant life of the party. They’d really be able to find their roots in this community!

Finals Horoscope: You may feel a little all over the place this week, Sagittarius, but the best way to combat that is to make a plan. Seeing everything written out as a to-do list instead of leaving it jumbled like strings in your brain will help motivate you to get things done. Who doesn’t love checking things off on a to-do list! However, your placement of Uranus might make micromanaging a nightmare. Allow yourself some freedom from the plan when you just aren’t feeling it. Use it more as a guideline than a strict rule. The Supermoon this week is in one of your more secluded sectors, so find some time just for yourself to reflect and relax. An early evening stroll might be just the thing to free your mind!

Capricorn – Cardinal Gardens

December 22nd – January 19th

Capricorns are no nonsense, get their bread every morning types of people. When they were looking for housing, they weren’t looking for the frills of a suite, the social aspects of a dorm, or the fancy new sparkle of the village – they wanted practicality. Cardinal Gardens is the best place for these responsible and self-controlling Capricorns as it’s simple, minimal, and manageable. They won’t be spending too much time here anyways, as all their projects have them running around campus, trying to maximize time and efficiency. They’re looking for a place to sleep, eat, and occasionally relax, and CarGar is the perfect place to do that!

Finals Horoscope: Uranus is moving into your leisure sector this week, Capricorn, which suggests that this is a time to unwind and relax a bit. Keeping yourself uptight during exam week isn’t going to get you anywhere; in fact, it’ll probably end up hurting you more than helping. Unlike Leo, it might be time to invest some of your free moments every day into a new hobby. Something new will pique your interests enough to help you push through the boring remainders of this semester. The Supermoon this week might stir up some emotions in interpersonal relationships. If you’re working on a group project, be careful not to let emotions get too hot in order to protect your project and your grade!

Aquarius – South Residential Housing (Pardee, Marks Hall/Tower, Trojan Hall)

January 20th – February 18th

As always, Aquarius loves just being a little bit on the mysterious side. They love being original and independent, strong-willed on their own, which makes this tiny community on the south end of campus the perfect fit for them. The South Residential buildings are a bit hidden, and if you’re not going to the business school every day, it’s easy to forget them, which is just what an Aquarius wants. They love being underground, eclectic, and unique, which means they’ll be happy when people generally have no idea where their building even is on campus. Plus, they get to live above the elusive Ground Zero, the perfect, abandoned coffee shop for the Aquarius aesthetic.

Finals Horoscope: With the positive energy blending by the Sun and Mercury, you’ll feel the need this week to de-clutter your home space. This will help you feel more focused and productive, but make sure you’re not using it as an excuse to procrastinate (you’re not that sly!). Mercury working with Pluto and Jupiter later this week will encourage some self-reflection that might lead to a big breakthrough. Make sure you listen to yourself, and you might just realize you’ve been missing something in your revisions all along. Self-reflection could be the answer to getting perfect grades this finals season. With the Supermoon, make sure you’re acting in ways that help you shine the most. You’re more likely to find success that way!

Pisces – Parkside

February 19th – March 20th

The specialized Arts and Humanities floors of Parkside call to Pisces’s artistic side; they love being around people who see the world in the same dreamscape that they do. Expect Pisces to be using the huge study rooms in Parkside to paint, write, or make music, and you’ll be able to hear them create from down the hall. The suite style living will give them just enough social interaction to not go crazy, while being on the far end of campus will give them just enough excuse to not go out and see other people! They love being alone and sleeping, and the general quiet of Parkside (Darkside) keeps the Pisces happy enough to keep creating!

Finals Horoscope: For my Pisces brethren, this is a great time to get a move on with online projects, and do I have some good news for you, because all your projects are going to be online this finals week! For once, quarantine is coming in handy, and you’ll feel more alive working on online projects than any other stuffy old in-person exam ever would. As the Talkative Mercury moves throughout your sectors this week, you might find that you enjoy working in teams or with other people much more than you normally do. Take advantage of this collaborative behavior. Two minds work better than one!

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