Things you NEED to do every week in college

By: Kelly Kinas ‘17

Do you think you are a productive human being? Fantastic.

The real questions is whether you are actually be productive for your future and for your current self.

As a college junior, I have definitely made mistakes and found ways to not do them again. Now, I am here to try to help you be a little bit more rich, in more ways than one.

Let’s get started!

1.You do actually have to study

I’m sorry I have to be the one to tell you this but your major doesn’t really matter at this point. You need to study. You need to study that play or that artist or your accounting textbook. You are here for a reason (in life and at USC) so make sure you make the most of your day and take at least 3 hours a week to keep up with every syllabus and getting ahead.

2. Put $10 in your savings account every week

I know it’s a crazy thought because that’s a Starbucks drink or burger at Habit. But that savings account will haunt you. You might need to pay for rent this summer in a different city where you’re interning. You might need to fly somewhere and need money to pay for that ticket. Make sure you have some kind of cushion because you never know what’s going to happen in the future.

3. Do some kind of physical activity

I don’t mean walking or biking to class. Set aside time AT LEAST once a week to working out. Go hiking with your friends! Go to the Lyon Center if you have no other options! Play a game of frisbee on the Quad! Join Kicks for Kids and play soccer with the underprivileged kids! Join an intramural team and play a pick-up game with them! There areas many opportunities to be active around campus and all you have to do is decide which ones to do.

4. Relax

Take some time to yourself. Put on a relaxing playlist and lay down. It doesn’t have to meditation; it can be anything. Focus on yourself and your body. Your homework will still be there in 30 minutes (or an hour, whatever). If you’re on campus, go to the Office of Wellness and Health Promotion on the second floor of the Health Center. They have tea, books, massage chairs. If you have an hour in between classes, this is for you. Remember that your needs are important and to relax. You deserve it.

5. Get off campus

We live in Los Angeles, most of us for only 4 years. Take advantage of that while you’re still here. If you have a car, go to grove or Santa Monica. Don’t own a car? Make friends who do or get a ZipCar for a day. If you can’t get a car, take the metro to Downtown. Watch a movie at LA Live or explore Korea-town with some friends. It’s easy to get caught up in college campus life, even if you live off campus, so go out and explore! 

6. Hang out with your friends

Even if it’s a crazy hectic week, simply being around your friends make it better. If you need to study, your friends do too. Plan a time to study together and THEN ACTUALLY STUDY. A lot of these tips have something to do with hanging with friends but that’s because it’s so important. Part of being a fully functioning adult is being able to socialize and retain friendships. Make time for your friends because you don’t want these friendships to fizzle, especially once you leave college.

That’s about all I can say. Appreciate what you have around you. Don’t spend all of your money. Study while you’re at school.

Fight on!

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