Get Fueled for the Week: 10 Smart Foods to Eat Before a Test or Major Presentation

By Emily Young MA ‘16


Welcome to the Midterm season grind where nothing sounds better than a Cronut from Spudnuts and your bed.  Don’t listen to your inner high-fat and high-sugar cravings when you are tired.  Fuel your body with good fuel for top performance.  Good eating = A+

1. Water


Staying hydrated is key to healthy brain function since without it your brain will move at a sluggish pace. If you have trouble remembering to drink water, start bringing a water bottle in your bag.  If you need a fresh taste try adding fruit or cucumber.

2. Coffee


But only in small amounts.  You don’t want to be shaking as you’re trying to take that test!  Stick to one or two cups to improve alertness and brain power.

3. Oatmeal


Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and oatmeal contains a nutrient called choline which helps cognitive performance and improves memory. Try topping it with other super foods like strawberries, cashews, flaxseeds and chia seeds.

4. Bananas


Bananas give you energy at a slower rate, making you more productive as you push through those piles of notes.  The potassium in bananas can help with cramps too, but probably not writing hand cramps.

5. Apples


They can keep the doctor away and might help keep the bad grades away too. Apples contain high levels of vitamins that increase sensory perception and also reduce anxiety. Try adding peanut butter for protein.

6. Leafy Greens


Green vegetables like spinach and kale contain vitamins B-6 and B-12 which are associated with improved memory and alertness.

7. Avocado


Avocados contain good fats, which lead to healthy blood flow to your brain and good brain function.  Try avocado toast in the morning to get yourself flowing before the test.

8. Broccoli


Broccoli actually repairs neuroconnections and speeds up the healing processes around the brain.  No guarantee that it will get you a higher grade, but it’s worth a shot right?

9. Fish


End your day with a healthy dinner of fish to get your omega-3s, an essential fatty acid which helps brain function. Salmon is the best, but you can also go for eggs if you prefer.

10. Dark Chocolate


If you need sugar, go for dark chocolate.  It’s rich in fiber, iron and magnesium, which helps the brain receive blood flow and can improve memory.  Snack on a few squares of dark chocolate or melt it in the microwave and dip fruit in it for a super healthy treat.

Nom Nom Nom!



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