Tips for Drinking Responsibly (& Cool Gadgets That Can Help!)

By Matthew Freihofner ‘15

I’ll start by saying that I don’t think anyone under 21 should be drinking. But I recognize that it still happens so, here are some tips to at least stay safe if you choose to drink.

Don’t Drink on an Empty Stomach!

Seriously, eat before you start drinking. On an empty stomach you get drunk a lot quicker and it’s really hard to know when you’re at your limit. It’s never fun being more drunk than you want to be. Plus, it also helps reduce your BAC according to the NY Times.

How are you getting home?


This is a question you have to figure out before you start drinking. Always know how you’re going to get home and never drive drunk. In a day and age with apps like Uber and Lfyt it’s effortless to find a way home safely. If you don’t want to spend money you can also call Campus Cruiser (213-740-4911). They will pick you up for free and are available 7 days a week all the way until 2:45am!

Stay Hydrated

The best way to make sure you don’t get dehydrated is by drinking water! I usually make sure to drink at least 3-5 glasses over the course of the night. While it may seem tedious, it really does help, especially in the mornings! Water during the night really helps with hangovers and makes you feel much better in the morning.

Know Your Limits!

Knowing your limits can often be a lot harder than you think. It depends what kind of alcohol your drinking, how big your cup is, or anything else. Here are some cool things that could help!

Breathometer has a super cool product called Breeze that can wirelessly hookup to your phone and connect to an app to tell you your BAC. It’s super small and fits anywhere.


It’s $99 and you can buy it here:

They also have a cheaper version that plugs right into your headphone jack for only $49 –

Also look out for Vive! It’s only in prototype stages but it’s a super cool bracelet that monitors your BAC and allows you to “Party Up” with friends each night so you can look out for each other. It will let you know if one of you is too drunk or non responsive.

But without any of these fancy gadgets the most important thing to remember is to not over do it and look out for your friends. Alcohol poisoning is very dangerous and very real. And transports are expensive!

So next time you drink keep all this in mind and be careful. Fight On!


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