Tips For Exploring LA On Your Own

By: Lanie Brice ‘24

When I moved to LA, I didn’t know a single person who lived here. I felt isolated and like I was missing out on huge parts of my new city since I would only visit places I could walk to from the USC area. For a long time, I thought I had to wait to make friends to explore LA, and that mindset only made the loneliness I was experiencing when I first moved worse. Eventually, I decided I couldn’t wait around for other people to start having fun and enjoying my new home; through that process, I discovered that I really love exploring on my own! I know so many people are hesitant to venture out by themselves, so I thought I’d share what I’ve learned along the way that might make it feel a bit less daunting. If you want to actually see what it’s like, I also vlogged my trips to Los Feliz and Echo Park and the week I went to Studio City, Hollywood, and the Grove!

Plan a Day For Yourself Ahead of Time

I have a running list in my Notes app of places around LA that I want to visit eventually. When I feel like going on an adventure, I pick one of the places and put it into Maps on my phone to see what other restaurants, shops, and entertainment are located around the main attraction. I’ll click on different businesses and add the interesting ones to a new list. That way, I can turn a visit to something like a bookstore or museum into exploring a whole new part of LA and make a full day out of the trip.

Sometimes, when I can’t decide between two places, I choose the location that has the most around it that I’m also interested in visiting. I try to find a place to get lunch and at least a couple shops or exhibits to visit too. That gives me an idea of how long I’ll want to be there and the route I’m going to walk; I keep that in mind when considering when to leave and what to wear. I think having a concrete plan, or at least some inspiration in advance, makes it less daunting to visit a new place by yourself.

Bring a Camera

This is a totally optional component, but I always find that I look at the world differently when I’m carrying a camera with me. I’m in a pretty unique situation of often vlogging my days for my YouTube channel, but bringing a Polaroid camera or disposable camera also has a similar effect. I find that when I’m on my own, a camera gives me something to focus on that makes me feel like I have a purpose. It also makes me feel less self conscious about being on my own. As a bonus, I like to stick the pictures I take on my fridge as a reminder of all the fun days I’ve had.  

Find a Treat You Couldn’t Get Near Home

Every neighborhood in LA, and in most cities, offers something special and different. That often means there are things you love that you can’t get close to home as well. Whether it’s a sushi lunch, a vegan donut, or the chance to look through a thrift store, take advantage of whatever the area has to offer that will make the trip extra special.

Enjoy Being Fully In Charge of the Agenda

On a similar note to the above point, take advantage of the fact that being on your own means that you can stay a little longer or go home earlier. You can go places that might not interest your friends that you’ve been dying to see, and you only have to spend as long at each place as you’re truly enjoying it. It’s easy to change your plans if you find something fun along the way. There’s something really liberating about not having to accommodate anyone else, and you might actually discover you prefer exploring on your own.

It’s All About Mindset

I was really nervous the first time I decided to go out to a new place on my own. I wasn’t sure what to expect or if it would be awkward to be by myself. When I started to realize that no one else cares if you’re alone and it doesn’t look weird, I was able to be less self conscious. Playing music in my earbuds also really helped me feel less lonely as I walked around. I found that I enjoyed getting to take in new places on my own time, and I started to feel more at home in LA and adulthood in general. I’ve been to Skylight Books in Los Feliz, Echo Park, Studio City, and downtown Pasadena so far, as well as a handful of different concert venues over the last semester. I look forward to visiting more places in the future!

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