USC Student Hopes to Inspire Through Fashion

By Samantha Romero ‘16

Meet Christina Jang ‘15, an international relations global marketing major and burgeoning fashion blogger for Inspirfacion. In an interview with the passionate fashionista, Jiang discusses the purpose of her blog, her biggest inspiration and what she loves most about USC.


(Inspirfacion/ Christina Jang)

SR: What is your blog about?

CJ: My blog focuses on fashion and also all things inspirational. It’s called Inspirfacion and the name came from inspiration through fashion. Through this blog I hope to inspire people and to spread hope and positivity because I know it can be very hard our age or just anybody to survive in this world so I guess I wish to use this blog as a platform to spread hope and courage and to help people dream again and to pursue what they really want to do.

SR:What are other bloggers that you follow that inspire you?

CJ:I really like Carli Bybel, she blogs on fashion and makeup. She also has a Youtube page that’s pretty big and she talks about inner beauty and the experiences that she has gone through and have helped her go through the experiences she is in now. Young adults like us can look at her as a role model.


SR: What motivated you to start the blog?

CJ: I had this idea for the longest time it’s just that you kind of get distracted sometimes with just being in college I guess but what made me really want to start this blog was what happened last year with just my personal life because a lot of changes happened and I decided that I shouldn’t live in fear and that I should not keep myself from doing the things that I really want to do because I am afraid of what people might think of me or afraid to fail. Once you take that first step everything just kind of comes through.


(Inspirfacion/ Christina Jang)

SR:Future plans for the blog.

CJ: I don’t know about you but for me I went through a lot of hardships in life but I’m sure this is true for every person that goes to school at USC or anybody . I want to use this blog to tell those people that there is still hope and that what they are experiencing right now is not the end of it and they shouldn’t dwell on the negative thinkings like self-talks like feeling like a failure, feeling undeserved, unloved or insecure or feeling like you have to turn to drugs or things like that to get your mind off the negative things happening in your life and really focus on the good side of life. There are still happy things happening in life. You just have to focus on them to really see them.

SR: Who are some of your role models?

CJ: I would have to say my mom, I know this sounds really cliche but there was a time n my life that I hadn’t seen her in two years because I’m an international student and they live in Asia but after being a part for two years I saw her again this summer and shehas just I don’t know how but she has just grown into this super woman and she’s one of the strongest persons I know in life and very positive in every single aspect and she can turn a person’s day around instantly by just talking to them or spending time with them so I want to be like her.


(Inspirfacion/ Christina Jang)

SR: Describe what it’s like to be an international student.

CJ: I was born in South Korea but I was raised in China and then I went to high school on Michigan and then I came here for college and I went to Santa Monica Community College for two years and then I transferred here. It’s my third year here but I would say honestly when I first transferred here to USC I didn’t feel like I fit in and it’s very hard for international kids especially if you have a language barrier to mix with the student body here and adjust yourself but after three years people here are great and students here are very determined.

SR: What do you enjoy most about USC?

CJ: I really love all the professors that USC has. because when I use to go to SMSC the classes were a lot easier and the professors expected less from you so it was very easy to get an A but here at USC I feel like the professors expect more from you and just from that expectation you try to meet that standard and it helps push the students.


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