When Hillary drops by while you’re abroad

By Grace Carballo ‘17

Last Thursday, I did what any productive exchange student would do in between classes- checked my instagram and ate yesterday’s dinner leftovers from my new tupperware. Such multi-tasking was dangerous and nearly caused me to choke on a spoonful of lentils because within the first few photos alone, I realized my fellow Trojans were with Hillary Rodham Clinton.

I’m sure it’s just a coincidence but since I’ve been abroad, Justin Bieber (November at the 901 Bar) Beyonce (January preppin for the SuperBowl) and now Hillary Clinton (last Thursday)  have all graced USC with their presence. 


He treated everyone- what a giver!


Flawless in all weather and amidst chaos.

If you too, missed out on the big event, allow me to fill you in on some of the details I’ve gathered from living vicariously through those present. For more info, the Daily Trojan has you covered (http://dailytrojan.com/2016/03/24/hillary-clinton-eric-garcetti-speak-usc/).

Former US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton was part of a panel discussion last Thursday March 24 along with Los Angeles mayor, Eric Garcetti. The event itself was actually coordinated by the mayor’s office, who reached out to SC’s Undergraduate Student Government (USG) and the Political Student Assembly. The panel discussion focused on some big issues you’ve probably been concerned about yourself lately, including terrorism, homeland security, and the importance of engaging communities.

Hillary reminded those in attendance, “We cannot allow our nation to be pitting groups of people against one another.”

After I noticed a few Instagrams of HRC in my newsfeed, I couldn’t stop myself. I had to find more. 

And so I did; and I have chosen my 5 favorite, below in no particular order.

(A great magician never reveals her secrets but I mainly just searched the location and then tried a few hashtags including #imwithher. If you weren’t chosen, you probably need to up your Instagram game or maybe your account is private. Message me for pointers).


That power suit, though.


The notoriety, the color coordination, the wisdom.


The selfie that stopped the world. I’ve never even dreamed of that many likes.


The candidness.


That powerful photo cred, that joyful smile. 

Back to business-

The other panel members spoke to similar points and LA and California specific measures they have taken. Since a good chunk of the student body at USC is from California, I think the following quote, also from Hillary Rodham Clinton is some good food for thought:

“…Not only do I value California’s important role as the exclamation point on the primary nominating process, but it’s important to get ready and organized for the fall election.”

So mark your calendars, Cali residents, June 7th is your primary date. If you’ve secured yourself an internship out of state (Kudos!), you’ll have to look into the absentee processes a little in advance. 

And allow me to add a little spice of my own to that food for thought- as an American living abroad currently, I’m not being a drama queen when I say the eyes of the world are upon us. Lots of my classmates, Argentinian and other international students are following the election and know, at least generally, the platforms of the remaining candidates. 

So definitely exercise your right to vote, whoever your candidate may be. 


Fight On,

Grace Carballo ‘17

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Day Trip: Venice Canals


Gracefully Abroad: Asado