Where to Find USC Alumni

By: Joy Ofodu ‘18

Maybe it’s because I’m about to become one, but I can think of no better time than the present to pass on the various ways a current (or prospective) USC student can connect with alumni to inform their own career journeys! Alumni connections aren’t just professional - they can be social, personal, based on membership in a certain community or local to your hometown! Here’s where you can find USC Alumni:


Have you ever heard anyone describe the Trojan Family as being “lifelong and worldwide”? It has been factually proven that our alumni network sticks around (50+ years) and covers much of the planet!

Society 53


Getting involved with Society 53 as a member, participant or leader is a surefire way to come into contact with hundreds of talented USC grads!

Fun Fact: “Named in honor of the 53 students who formed USC’s first student body in 1880, Society 53 was launched November 5, 2008, at the Widney Alumni House, where those first students attended classes more than 135 years ago.” (Society 53)

Trojan SCuppers

Say what? Alumni in various fields inviting 10-15 Trojans into their home for a night of dining and networking? Nowhere but SCuppers!

The Trojan Family Magazine

Reading Trojan Family Magazine is an excellent way to keep up with amazing projects not just from alumni, but current students, faculty and the University as well. Updates about the Village, alumni donors to various schools and USC research can be found here.


Reach out to alumni on LinkedIn via one of many USC-themed groups! Some are exclusive to current students or alumni/faculty of various departments, but others are wide open. Check out one of the largest here with 27K members!

Conferences and Events

Some of the most valuable connections are those made in person, and conversations that happen F2F are much more memorable/engaging than the digital shots into the dark! Keep your eyes peeled for alumni-heavy campus events like Homecoming and Trojan Family Weekend.


Your Department

Whether you’re a USC Marshall, Dornsife, Annenberg or Viterbi student, you’d do well to connect with the offices of Alumni Relations and Career Development within your respective schools.

Affinity Networks and Mentorship Programs


From the USC Veterans Network to the Black Alumni Association, USC has a variety of community-based groups that offer unique programming, mentorship and scholarship opportunities, as well as academic and social support, even for current students!

Regional USC Alumni Clubs

Regional alumni groups, from San Diego to Kansas City can help you find your Trojan Family back home, or where you might move to work after graduation!

The SCendoff

Speaking of regional groups: If you are a graduating high school senior/incoming freshman, the SCendoff is the first cant-miss event that may be happening in your area; check back after you’re admitted!


Ask your professors if they have any guests slated to speak in class who have graduated from USC! This is common in many courses across disciplines. Our alums work in Food, Fashion, Entertainment, Tech and every other industry under the sun.

On Social Media

Finally, for more on-the-fly updates from the vast alumni network: Connect and Follow on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!


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