Where's the Free Food At?

By Hannah Kim ‘15


One of the hardest parts about living on your own (and slowly and painfully becoming an adult) is learning how to feed yourself. Gone are the days when you could open a stocked fridge to leisurely select your meal. In college, it is the unfortunate reality that sometimes you open up your fridge to be greeted by a lone bottle of Sriarcha. And a potato. If you’re lucky. 

But truth be told, whether you’re a master chef or an instant ramen fiend, we could all use some free food at times.

Presenting…USC Free Food. 


If you are one of the initiated, you know of the Free Food @ USC Facebook group where student org leaders advertise their events to hungry students.

USC Free Food takes it a step further. Since it’s on an external website and not a FB group, it’s open for USC bodies (that aren’t run by students) to also post their events. This is a gamechanger because USC bodies (aka adults) have a lot more money than student orgs.

Which means, MUCH more free food. 

The number of amazing events (that serve free food) at USC on a daily basis is truly staggering. But who has the time to dig through Facebook pages and emails and websites to find these hidden nuggets of mac n cheese? Well, dig no more, USC student populace! Bookmark this page and may you never go hungry again.

Students: Bookmark the Website and like the FB page (it highlights an event every day to remind you)

Student leaders/USC bodies: Just click “Submit an Event” at the top right corner of the site to have your event featured on the calendar.  Extend your reach (easily) and attract fresh faces to your events. 

Your event could look like this [below] aka beautiful 



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Getting Off Campus: Automobile Edition