WHAT'S GOING ON? Dance Marathon!

By Kelly Kinas ‘17

One of the best decisions I made my freshman year was joining a club whose message I agree with wholeheartedly. For me, Dance Marathon was the best decision for me because I love working with children and dancing around for extended periods of time.


Dance Marathon is a continuous fundraising effort throughout the year that culminates in a 12-hour dance-a-thon this year on February 21st from 2pm-2am. 

We have a Donor Drive, which I will include later. Donor drive is how we fundraise by teams and by individuals. We have a small high executive team, a bigger Dance Marathon Planning Committee, and then every volunteer and dancer that comes to the events. We want YOU to join us this February and eat food, play games, and dance FOR THE KIDS.


Our catchphrase, hashtag, and motto is “For the Kids” or #FTK which we yell during our warm up chant, which just so happens to be the title of this blog. Our chant starts with one person saying “What’s going on?” and everyone else responds with “Dance Marathon! For the Kids!” We start every meeting with this reminder that this event and all of this fundraising is for a higher power. It’s not for us, it’s not even technically for the USC students who attend. It’s for the children at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles and the children of the Miracle Network. Trojan Dance Marathon raised over $60,000 for CHLA last March.


If you feel so inclined, please sign up in Donor Drive to start fundraising and attend the event on February 21st.

You can register here: http://events.dancemarathon.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive.event&eventID=607

Our website is here: http://www.trojandm.org

One of the best things you can do during college is join a cause and help fundraise for something bigger than yourself. You need to care about something other than yourself and the University of Southern California has so many options. Troy Camp, Camp Kesem, and so many others want and need your help to spread the word and keep your mind open.

Fight on!

– Kelly


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