USC’s Official Student-Run Blog

Trojans360 Trojans360


By: Kelly Kinas ‘17

What’s GOING ON? Guys, obviously DANCE MARATHON! On February 21st, 2015, TROJAN DANCE MARATHON was the place to be from 2pm-2am in the Tutor Campus Center Ballroom. With all of these Trojans dancing for Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, one would have to ask how it all came about. Well, lucky for you, dear readers, you have me. While most know me as Kelly, TDM knows me at the Director of Morale and Dancer Relations. And we’ve been working for this one night for 7 months. Intrigued? Let me tell you more.

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Trojans360 Trojans360

WHAT'S GOING ON? Dance Marathon!

By: Kelly Kinas ‘17

One of the best decisions I made my freshman year was joining a club whose message I agree with wholeheartedly. For me, Dance Marathon was the best decision for me because I love working with children and dancing around for extended periods of time.

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