By Kelly Kinas ‘17


What’s GOING ON? Guys, obviously DANCE MARATHON!

On February 21st, 2015, TROJAN DANCE MARATHON was the place to be from 2pm-2am in the Tutor Campus Center Ballroom. With all of these Trojans dancing for Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, one would have to ask how it all came about. Well, lucky for you, dear readers, you have me. While most know me as Kelly, TDM knows me at the Director of Morale and Dancer Relations. And we’ve been working for this one night for 7 months. Intrigued? Let me tell you more.

This entire event is all created by this big group of goofballs right below.


We are known at the Trojan Dance Marathon Executive Board and Planning Committee. The three lovely ladies in the front our lovely directors: Crescent, Hailey, and Bree. They are our fearless leaders and we love working with them. With them leading us, we raised over $56,000 for CHLA this year, which is A LOT OF MONEY and I am VERY EXCITED.

What’s Trojan Dance Marathon you ask? TDM is a yearlong fundraising effort that culminates in a 12-hour dance-a-thon with fundraising going towards Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. As said before, it was on February 21st from 2pm-2am. Our days did  not know then though. We arrived at TCC Ballroom at 9am with coffee and lots of craft supplies. As the executive board and the planning committee, we set up the entire event  and break down at the end. Hence why my cohost and I ended up like this by the end of the night (i.e. 3am)


Our shirts says “What do you stand for?” because at Dance Marathon, we stand and dancing for 12 hours for the children who can’t. The kids we dance for have much more difficult lives than any person should have and we fundraise and keep the energy up for them. We had 7 children from the hospital visit and speak (along with sing) and we call them our Miracle Kids. They are all so strong and spend time with the USC students who are supporting them.


Our whole purpose is to help the children who can’t and also help their families, to take their minds off their situation for the time being and dance the night away with the Trojan Marching Band, Off the Grid, DJ Dense (The DJ from the Clippers), and Zumba lessons at 11pm. It’s a full night of events and I didn’t really want to move the next day but it was totally worth it. 

Just remember to #FightOn #ForTheKids


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