Why are We Here? (At USC, Not Life in General)

By Kelly Kinas ‘17

Whenever I think about my life and where I am, I just feel so incredibly lucky. I am at the University of Southern California, I have a roof over my head, I’m listening to “How Deep is Your Love?” on a laptop computer. I have the opportunity to do some many things that a lot of people don’t have the chance to do. I am at THE BEST UNIVERSITY IN THE WORLD AND I AM DAMN PROUD OF THAT.


I get the feeling that some people actually forget that this is a University, a place in which people study and go to class and learn. When walking through campus, I overhear so many conversations about people never going to class. DUDE, THAT IS THE REASON THAT WE ARE HERE. I know college is an experience but that experience doesn’t get you a degree. Studying, writing papers, and going to class get you that USC degree. Here are some reasons why you should just go to class, man.

I completely understand that sometimes pulling an all-nighter to finish editing a paper for your English class means you need to take a nap during Chemistry. Maybe, because students here are so amazing, your internship or job makes you super busy and you just don’t have the time. I get that but those are very specific instances. I’m talking about watching another episode of Gilmore Girls for no reason at all instead of going to class. I’m talking about deliberately skipping class with no legitimate reason. Don’t do it. Just don’t do it.


 Let’s start here. It’s interesting! We could all use a little of Hermione’s personality in us. No, I may not be majoring in Russian Literature. But that does not mean that I don’t find the class interesting. It’s something quirky and cool and I would not have found that out if I didn’t go to class and participate.


ALSO: It’s what you’re paying for. Might as well get your money’s worth. So taking the tuition per semester ($23,781), the average USC student takes 16 units a semester (four 4 unit classes), the semester is 16 weeks long, and the average meeting times per class per week is 2, every class you have here is worth $185.78. If you skip your class to play COD, you just wasted $185. If you don’t want it, please give it to me. I could use a fancy dinner out downtown. Now, if you’re lucky enough to be on scholarship and think that this doesn’t apply to you, you’re wrong. You’re worse. You are wasting $185 that could have been given to an admitted student but didn’t go because her family couldn’t afford it. You were given the scholarship instead of this girl and now you’re wasting it. You feel that? Guilt. It’s an manipulative tool and it works. If I can’t make you go to class because getting an education is our job right now, I will guilt you into you. 


It can also be a time for socializing and networking! If you never go to class, who will you contact when you’re writing your paper and you can’t read your notes? Divine intervention hasn’t happened in a while, but if you want to wait for it, go right ahead. You should probably just go to class, sit with people, exchange phone numbers, and help each other out. Also you can also meet people on your way to class. I’m willing to bet that you are not the only person walking on campus at 10:45am. 


Also the working world has been completely overridden with network gin. People want to help people they know succeed. GET TO KNOW YOUR TEACHER. They have insight. That’s kind of why they were hired. Maybe your teacher knows something with a summer internship position to fill. Maybe your teacher is going to a networking event and was told to bring up and coming students. You never know. Your teachers are a resource and you should definitely use them. They want to get to know you as well. Work together and make it mutually beneficial. 


So in conclusion: PLEASE GO TO CLASS. It is not that bad. You got this. USC is trying to help us in life but to do that, we have to get past this part of life and graduate. That means we have to pass our classes, which means you actually have to go.

Fight on!


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