Why This Month’s Weekender Will Be Extra Epic

By Lauren Brose ‘15


Do you remember what made you want to become a Trojan? For me it was my health class in 2010. My teacher (who was undeniably the coolest) from high school was a Trojan. Naturally, he was the driving force behind why I wanted to become a Trojan myself. He talked about Los Angeles, Greek life, our football team, the Trojan Family, and the insanely fun sh*t he did with his friends because let’s face it, USC is AWESOME. For half a year, I heard the most legendary tales of his days as a college student at the greatest school on earth.

My stomach literally exploded in butterflies as I imagined the simplest things I’d be doing as a student—watching TV in the living room of my off-campus apartment, walking from class to class saying hi to friends as I passed by, attending football games (and tailgating), you get it the idea. One thing that never quite faded from my deeply displaced memory of my teacher’s college days were the times he went on trips with his best friends from school. Away football games, spring break, Vegas, Europe after graduation… this sounded to me like the ultimate college experience. 


When I entered USC, the first of college-wide excursions brought to my attention was the Weekender. Taking place in early November against UC Berkeley, the Weekender was the first time I truly felt like a Trojan. I got yelled at by San Franciscans for being dressed in cardinal and gold. I shared a hotel room with half a dozen of my sorority sisters and slept on what I believe was a leg rest. I consumed (basically inhaled) a bagel that had cream cheese thicker than the bread itself. Needless to say, I had an incredible weekend. This year will be no exception. Here’s why: 

We will win 

The last time we played Cal on their home turf, we beat them 62-28. Also, Cal isn’t known for having the strongest football team. I am not going to sit here and type a bunch of football banter when, truthfully, I am not the most knowledgeable on this topic. That being said, believe me when I say the game will be in our favor. I just know it. Maybe we wont have Marqise Lee to do this again–– the game is still gonna be tight. 

It’s Halloween

Yes people, our football game is on a Saturday which is coincidentally the same day as Halloween! Halloween used to be my favorite holiday but nowadays, as an adult, I find it being pretty hit or miss. Last year I celebrated it at a music festival with friends. This year, I am going to celebrate Halloween at the weekender dressed as a dead USC cheerleader. Something tells me this year is going to be “crool.” 


Because San Fran

San Francisco… where do I even begin? It’s by far one of the most magical cities I’ve ever had the privilege of visiting. Simply put, I wouldn’t change a single thing about it. From the Victorian-Edwardian architecture down to the impossibly difficult hills to both drive and park on and not to mention millionaire bacon— something I’d like to call heaven on earth (technically it was on a benedict). I’m irrevocably in love with this city and I can’t wait to be back. <3 


If you’ve decide to trigger the Weekender this year, you’ve made the right choice! Just know that…

  • A lot of USC will be staying in Union Square - Hilton, Westin and Marriott are the three most popular hotels in Union Square. 
  •  We take the BART to Berkeley’s campus (please don’t drink and drive) 
  • There’s tons of festivities this weekend because Halloween – Such as this and this.
  • Expect to leave early if you plan on driving up Friday morning – From my experience of driving in the past, the car ride can be 9 hours long! Traffic isn’t only an LA thing. 
  • Check out the original Ghirardelli if you have a chance! It’s in Fisherman’s Wharf so you can totally grab a clam chowder bread bowl and grab a sundae from Ghirardelli. Yum. 
  • Dress warm – According to Mark Twain, “the coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco.” I’d listen to him. My thin corduroy jacket was barely warm enough during my night out… in September. 
  • Dolores park is a perfect spot for a lazy Sunday - People watching, view of the city, green grass, positive vibes… Dolores park is truly one of a kind. 
  • San Francisco has arguably the best food - I had ahi tuna carnitas at a Mexican restaurant, the richest acai bowl at a sidewalk smoothie stand, the most delicious and visually stunning eggs Benedict as well as LEGIT dim sum in Chinatown all in a matter of a weekend. If I can do it, you can too.

Thanks for reading––If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out : )


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