You Know Thanksgiving Break is Over When....

By Emily Young MA ‘16

1. You’re ready to go back to EVK. 


All this extravagant, rich, and hearty Thanksgiving food is giving you heartburn.  Just take me back to my Lucky Charms. 

2. Your Mom told you to fold your own laundry.


Things aren’t the same anymore now that you’ve headed off to college.  Fold your own laundry?  What?  I could have done that at school.

3. You almost pulled an all-nighter Sunday, just to get your homework done for Monday. 


Somehow teachers failed to get the memo that Thanksgiving is reserved for family and football.

4. You ran out of leftover turkey sandwiches.


Pack it up folks, the show is over.  People are already putting Christmas decorations up. 

5. You know exactly how many days until your last final.


It’s finally close enough to where you can count it on your fingers and toes.

6. You’re actually caught up on all of your TV shows.


No guilt binge watching.  You can’t spend all of break with your family right?

7. You didn’t workout once, because you are on “vacation.”


The only marathon you took part in all weekend was eating. 

8. You have the urge to enjoy a holiday drink.


And by that I mean Starbucks. 

9. When Cyber Monday has a higher priority than paying attention in your discussion. 


There’s no harm in looking at what’s out there with your credit card out… 

10. You’re still talking trash to all your UCLA friends about the game on Saturday. 


40-21, We Run LA!

Hope you all had a great break! It’s back to the grind here on out!


Good Vibes Only


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