12 Things I Wish I Knew My Freshman Year

By Anna Lipscomb ‘19

1. Keep a planner. I didn’t have one my first semester, and things got chaotic when my mental To-Do list grew too long. Moral of the story: a planner/calendar will be your best friend.

2. Don’t print things off at the last minute. Just trust me on this - it almost always ends badly.

3. Get sleep! Ok, so the movies portray college as a time of endless all-nighters and permanent eye bags. But guess what? It doesn’t have to be that way. Last year, my roommate and I aimed for 11:00 bedtimes by sleeping early and waking up early (mostly because we noticed our productivity levels dropped as it got later in the night). However, all of this depends on your sleep and study habits - so build your sleep schedule accordingly.


4. The friends you make the first week of school won’t necessarily be your best friends for the next four years. You’re going to meet so many new people here from different places and backgrounds. Maybe you’ll find your besties at orientation, or maybe you’ll meet them in the classroom or at a club meeting. Be open to meeting new people - you never know who you’ll find.

5. You don’t have to party to have fun. If partying isn’t your thing, then there are plenty of other options for you - from Cardinal & Gold events (excursions, food, movie screenings, and other activities sponsored by USC Residential Ed) to club gatherings.

6. Discover your spirit animal. For some reason, this question frequently popped up during interviews, club meetings, and even normal conversations I had with people. Do some soul-searching so that you have an answer when someone asks you this deep, thought-provoking question.


7. You don’t have to be best friends with your roommate, but you have to respect them. I was fortunate enough to get a roommate who is like a sister to me now, but this isn’t always the case with roommate matches. Even if you and your roommate have nothing in common, you still have to learn how to communicate and behave respectfully in your shared space. If you know your roommate ahead of time, you can reach out on social media and start getting to know them now.

8. You have more free time in college. In my opinion, this is one of the biggest differences between high school and college. You now have all of this open space in your schedule and no one is telling you how you have to spend it. You can use it to study, get involved in campus, volunteer, sleep, etc. Balance this free time between work and play.

9. Being a freshman doesn’t prevent you from finding opportunities to do crazy, amazing things - just apply for stuff! They say you miss 100% of the chances you don’t take. Apply for that leadership position. Sign up for that club. Interview for that job. At USC, the limit (to opportunity) does not exist.


10. Thank people! Thank your professors, TA’s, staff working at the dining halls/residence halls/maintenance/anywhere… Without them, USC wouldn’t be the same. Smile and say thank you :)

11. Get a mentor. Someone who is a little bit older and a little bit wiser than you. They can be a valuable resource for getting to know USC, meeting other people, and making the most out of your college experience.


12. You don’t have to have everything figured out. It’s your freshman year. You’ll keep learning about yourself throughout the year and your time at USC. You never know - you might take an inspiring class that will compel you to change your major. You may find a club that completely changes your outlook on life and the world. If you have a plan for yourself, know that it might evolve as you learn more about yourself in college.

…and of course, remember to have fun! All of these crazy moments and challenges and experiences will stick with you for a lifetime :)

Fight on!

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