Ask a Trojan: Fitness on Campus


Hey!! Thanks so much for your questions; it’s definitely one I was asking myself just three short years ago. There’s a lot of options for fitness on campus and it really just depends on what you’re interested in!

I personally love running so I just found myself a route around campus that’s about 4-5 miles and on the weekends my best friend and I go to Manhattan Beach whenever we can to do a long run along the ocean.

Lots of my friends are really into dance and have joined Expressions, a dance club that puts on two shows a year, or one of the other USC dance clubs. There’s a ballroom dance team, a latin dance team, USC Zehers, and I know of at least one hip-hop team, called Chaotic 3, part of the Chinese American Student Association. 

For those who want to be on a team with less of a commitment, there are intramural sports. They’re a lot more relaxed than club sports, but still really fun and a great exercise. Any sport you want to play with also have a club team, many of which require a tryout and compete against other universities. Teams, either clubs or intramural sports are a great and fun way to stay in shape.

I also know quite a few people who used extra space in their schedules to take a fitness class. There are some really cool and useful options and I’ve heard good things about the weight-lifting course. This is included in the cost of your tuition, so if you have space in your schedule, it would be at no extra cost. I wouldn’t add a fitness course to your schedule if it would put your into extra fees for having more than 16 or 18 units, because tuition is already pretty hefty.

That being said, the fitness center (called the Lyons center) is included in your tuition. So you have access to the pool (at certain hours), weight rooms, cardio equipment and locker rooms; you just need your student ID to get in and will have to sign a waiver and register online at the start of the semester. 

Classes are not included in that price but you can pay extra each semester for unlimited classes. If you would go once or twice a week at least, it’s worth the extra fee. I recommend trying out the classes the first week of the semester when they’re offered for free to see if they interest you.

I hope that cleared up any qualms you have. Lots of people work out at USC, most of the dorms even have some sort of fitness equipment. I’m sure you’ll find many willing workout buddies before you know it. 

Fight on and see you in the fall,

Grace Carballo ‘17 

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