USC’s Official Student-Run Blog

First Years Trojans360 First Years Trojans360

Everything You Should Know About Being a Spring Admit

By: Anna Lipscomb ‘19

If you were admitted into USC for the spring semester, you may be wondering what this means. I can relate - me and many other students at USC have been in your place. Here’s everything you should know about being a spring admit, and the reasons why I would make the same decision again.

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LA Life, SC Spotlight Trojans360 LA Life, SC Spotlight Trojans360

Hapa Japan Concert 2017 Recap

By: Anna Lipscomb ‘19

From February 22-26, the Japanese American National Museum and USC hosted the 2017 Hapa Japan Festival for the Los Angeles community. The festival featured events such as film screenings, discussions, and performances to celebrate multicultural voices and identities. I had the opportunity to attend the Hapa Japan concert featuring Kina Grannis, Marié Digby, Kris Roche, and Andy Suzuki & the Method.

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SC Spotlight Trojans360 SC Spotlight Trojans360

Visions and Voices: Free Outgoing

By: Anna Lipscomb ‘19

Last Thursday (2/16), USC Vision & Voices took students to the East West Players in Little Tokyo to see a production of Free Outgoing. Based on a true incident that occurred in India, the play captures the unraveling lives of Deepa and her family after she is involved in a sex scandal that goes viral online. When it feels like the world is against them, Malini, the mother and head of the household, must make a decision to protect the family’s future.

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Trojans360 Trojans360

Choosing Between USC and Non-USC Owned Housing

By: Anna Lipscomb ‘19

With USC housing selections just a few weeks away, some of you may be wondering what your options are. There are many different things to consider when choosing housing, whether it is on campus or off campus, USC-owned or non-USC owned.

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First Years Trojans360 First Years Trojans360

Spring Admits: Next Stop, USC

By: Anna Lipscomb ‘19

Hello Spring Admits! I can’t believe you will be here in a few weeks. Right now, you’re probably excited and nervous, so here’s everything you should know about move in, Welcome Week, academics, clubs, food, and more!

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