Spring Admits: Next Stop, USC

By: Anna Lipscomb ‘19

Hello Spring Admits! I can’t believe you will be here in a few weeks. Right now, you’re probably excited and nervous, so here’s everything you should know about move in, Welcome Week, academics, clubs, food, and more!


Going away to college is an exciting experience no matter what semester you do it. You may have a lot of questions about what to do or what to bring.

If you haven’t already, you should contact your roommate(s) and start getting to know them. Spring admits are often matched together, so it would be extremely beneficial to start talking to them and coordinating things for the room now. Even if they aren’t spring admits, you should still reach out. They could give you tips/advice and let you know what the dorm/apartment already has.

Once you get here, you will have to find your building’s Customer Service Center (CSC) to check in. Make sure you have some form of ID with you. They’ll give you your keys and other pieces of information about housing.

I found that moving in the spring semester was relatively easy because less people were on campus, so more bins were available and hallways/elevators were less crowded.

Welcome Week

Don’t forget to sign up for Welcome Week events! Information should be sent to your USC email towards the beginning of December.

Most of these events are related to athletics, info sessions, and bonding activities. My favorite event is the Explore LA trip because you get the opportunity to go to tourist spots in LA with other spring admits before school starts. Make sure you sign up for these trips early, because space is limited and they fill up quickly! 

Go to as many activities as you can. You never know who you’ll meet. Your fellow spring admits will be some of your first friends at USC. You never know, you could meet your best friends at a sports game or social.

Finding Your Way Around Campus

The first day is exciting and a little bit nerve-wracking. If you need to ask for directions, do it. No one is going to judge you. If you’re worried about being late to class, I recommend locating your classes ahead of time (you will probably have spare time during Welcome Week to do this). If you can, leave early so that you have extra time to find out where you are going. Check out Google/Apple maps if you’re looking for a specific building!

Even if you don’t know your classes yet, you can still take a look at the schedule of classes to get a sense of what you might want to take (which I will elaborate more on below).


What classes should I take?

Class schedules can be stressful at first, but don’t worry, we’re here to help!

Most of you will choose your classes at Orientation with the help of your Major advisors. They may have sample course plans to help you create your schedule. Even if you are signing up for classes at a later date, you won’t necessarily be at a disadvantage because spots are held for each orientation session. When I was spring admit, I attended the last orientation but still got all the classes I needed.

Even though schedules will vary depending on availability and major, you can expect to take either a GE Seminar or WRIT 150 since they are both required in your first year of USC. However, most people don’t take them together because the seminar is reading-intensive and WRIT 150 is writing-intensive. It’s more manageable to take one in the spring and the other next fall.  

My best advice for General Education classes is be open-minded, take things that interest you, and look for classes that can count for both your major and GE requirement. 

We also have a lot of unique classes and electives at USC. 2-units are some of my favorite classes. Most undergrads are enrolled in 16 units/sem but your tuition covers 18 units, so you should take advantage of those extra 2 units and try something new.

What if I don’t get the classes I wanted?

In addition to the above tips, I also want to advise you to keep an open mind! College is all about trying new things. You never know - you may discover an interest in a subject you never expected.

Furthermore, the first week or so a lot of people change their schedules around. If you are really unhappy with a class, chances are that there will be openings in other classes that you can switch into.

Getting Involved/Involvement Fair

Can I rush?

You can find general information about Greek Life at USC and other eligibility requirements here.

What’s the Involvement Fair?

Usually it’s held on Wednesday and Thursday during the first few weeks of the semester. If you want to get ahead and see what’s available, take a look at the list of organizations. That way, you’ll have an idea of clubs/orgs to keep a lookout for once you get here. If you can’t make it to the Involvement Fair because of class, I recommend reaching out to the organizations you are interested in via email and ask to be placed on their email lists.

Am I limited by being a spring admit?

Nope! There are so many opportunities available at USC - you just have to look for them. Make sure you frequently check your emails and go to meetings and info sessions. Apply for everything!

General Questions

Are people still open to making friends?

Of course! But sometimes you will have to take the initiative to talk to them first. Be open, get involved, and meet people everywhere you go. If you know anyone who goes to USC, you should also reach out to them! During my fall semester, I reached out to several friends and friends-of-friends to meet up with (and I still talk to many of them now).

LA is always warm, right?

90-99% of the time, yes. However, LA does have cooler/cold days from time to time, especially during the winter months. While you don’t need to pack large coats or snow boots, you should still have some warmer clothes with you.

Where can I get job/work study?

Even if there isn’t a work study fair in the spring semester, you can still find a job! Many jobs hire at the beginning of the semester - so be on the look out (you can find some of the on-campus work study jobs posted on ConnectSC).

How do you get around campus/LA?

At USC, most people walk, bike, or ride a skateboard. It’s really up to your own preference and how close/far away you live. This might be a good time to learn how to ride (if you don’t know already) before you get here! USC students can get free Lyft rides around campus in the evenings as well.

Here are some apps you should have on your phone:

  1. LiveSafe app

  2. Lyft

  3. Money Transfer/Payment apps (Venmo, Zelle, etc)

If you want to explore LA, there are many different ways to do it. You can plan your own trips or you can join activities hosted by USC. For example, Visions & Voices often feature interesting events and speakers throughout the semester both on and off campus. Past events have featured speakers, performances, and workshops. Residential Education also frequently puts on events for residents and Campus Activities has Late Night ‘SC events on campus.

Is everyone going to know I’m a spring admit?

Only if you tell them.

Best places to eat on or around campus?

Dining halls: Parkside, Everybody’s Kitchen (EVK), Village Dining Hall

Other popular places on campus (just to name a few): Fertitta Cafe (ramen, bao, banh mi, dim sum, etc.), Sprinkles Cupcakes (vending machine in front of the USC Bookstore), Annenberg Cafe (inside the Wallis Annenberg Hall) and the Ronald Tutor Campus Center (C&G Juice Co., Seeds Marketplace, Panda Express, etc).

Final Words of Advice…

Your college experience will be whatever you decide to do with it. Being a spring admit will not stop you from having a great time. Many of us have been in your shoes. As a student who is just finishing up my first fall semester at USC, I can tell you that it was worth the wait. So far, I wouldn’t change a thing about my college experience. Once you get here and find your place at USC, you will know what it means to be a part of the Trojan Family.

All the best, and congratulations on being the newest members of the Trojan family! Fight on!

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