16 Lessons to Start 2016 from It’s A Wonderful Life

By Grace Carballo ‘17

1) Appreciate anyone and everyone who encourages you or even supports you financially on your way to your degree. “You get yourself an education and get out of here.” - Mr. (Peter) Bailey

2) If there’s music playing, never stop dancing.


3) Learn to be present in the moment and appreciate where you are. “I’m shaking the dust of this crummy little town off my feet and I’m gonna see the world.” - George Bailey


4) Recognize that there are many different intelligences and a college degree or certain major does not indicate superiority. “Then I’m coming back here to go to college and see what they know.” - George Bailey

5) Take chances and make mistakes before you have too many real responsibilities. “Youth is wasted on the wrong people.” - man reading newspaper 


6) Defy major stereotypes. “Peter Bailey was not a business man.” - Mr. Potter. 

7) Give it away now -RHCP “All you can take with you is that which you gave away.” -sign 


8) Together we can do so much. “We got to stick together.” - George Bailey

9) It’s not where you are, it’s who you’re with.

10) The people and things that bring you down mean very little in the long run. - “In the vast configuration of things, you’re nothing but a scurvy little spider.” - George Bailey

11)  Recognize the good you have done in 2015, rather than focusing on the negative. “You just don’t know all you’ve done.” -Clarence

12) Think about the sort of impact you want to have in the lives of those around you. “A chance to see what the world would be like without you.” - Clarence

13) Accept help when you need it. “You’ll help me, won’t you… by letting me help you.” -Clarence.


14) What goes around, comes around. “To my big brother, George, the richest man in town.” - Harry Bailey


15) Recognize the value of the people in your life and of your presence in theirs.  “Each *human’s life touches so many other lives. And when they aren’t around, it leaves an awful hole.” - Clarence

16) Define or re-define what success is to you.  “Remember no *one is a failure who has friends.” - Clarence 


With these 16 lessons in mind, your 2016 is sure to have a wonderful start. If you don’t have any firm New Year’s plans, might I suggest devoting 2 hours and 15 minutes to watching this classic. I personally feel a void if I don’t watch it at least annually.

Happy New Year,

Grace ‘17

* line modified to be gender inclusive. Also when you watch it, try to get past how they say “old maid” as if it’s the worst fate for a woman to be single- it’s a pretty old film.

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