USC’s Official Student-Run Blog

First Years Trojans360 First Years Trojans360

Reflections on Freshman Year

By: Natalie Oganesyan ‘22

Now that freshman year is winding down to an end, I want to take a minute to reflect. The transition from high school to college is unique — it’s a time of intense change, exploration, discovery, and growth. If you had an experience that was anything like mine, it may have resembled Kylie’s 2016 resolutions.

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Trojans360 Trojans360

The Good, The Bad, The 2015: What I’ve Learned

By: Judy Lee ‘17

1. Know yourself: by this, I don’t mean understanding what you like to eat/what you don’t like to eat/where you like to go/etc. Nothing superficially preferential really cuts it in the real world, and if you don’t know yourself on a deep enough level, you may not be able to organize your life accordingly…

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