25 Things That Cross Your Mind During a USC Campus Tour

By Lauren Brose ‘15

USC’s acceptance letters are out and more often than not are we spotting more families accompanied by their eager future Trojan. For me, this was the single most exciting part about my acceptance to USC. 


As I sauntered onto campus, head held high, I wanted to make it known that this campus belongs to me too. I’ll never forget the day my mom and I venture outside the Orange County bubble, the only world I knew, and drove an hour north to USC’s campus. I hadn’t the slightest the idea what USC’s campus even looked like–– only what the college brochures showed. The first thing on our itinerary was to take a campus tour. Considering my mom and I were total novices, we knew better than to go into this campus visit totally blind. In light of this reminiscent state that I am in, I decided to break down the top things that’s crossed our minds at least once during our campus tour.

  1. Geez, my tour guide is a double major studying Architecture and Human Biology. I wonder what career he is going to pursue with that? 
  2. He studied abroad in Melbourne last year and travelled to Thailand for spring break… that’s way cool.
  3. He seems to know literally all there is to know about USC… Will that be me my senior year?
  4. I am gonna need a map when I come next fall–– all of these buildings are all starting to look the same to me!
  5. Of course, he has a job already lined up for after he graduates.
  6. What exactly is the Trojan Family?
  7. It’s really warm here. Is California always this sunny? It’s only the first week of April. 
  8. Who cares, I can so get used to this.
  9. But seriously, why am I sweating already? It’s only 10. 
  10. The campus is stunning. Even the bushes are shaped to say “USC” and the flowers are all red and gold.
  11. This is such a refreshing and aesthetically pleasing change of scenery from the grey, concrete enclaves at the other campuses. 
  12. Do I want to go Greek? “Row” sounds like something out of a movie or TV show.
  13. Wait, this is super ironic. The TV show Greek is based on USC Greek.
  14. Apparently it’s really big at USC but there’s also way more students who aren’t affiliated. I guess i’ll cross that bridge when I get there. 
  15. How many fountains are there on campus? Apparently enough to throw a fountain run at the end of spring when all of the seniors are done with class. This is way more original than an undie run.
  16. Where did finger fountain get its name from? Oh, I see. 
  17. There really should be a USC/UCLA rivalry course for incoming freshman. This is rich information that should never be overlooked.
  18. I can already feel the hatred for UCLA coursing through my veins.
  19. I wonder what it’s like sitting in the student section at USC football games. Ahhhh I can’t wait to experience my first tailgate!
  20. Ronald Tutor Campus Center is unreal. There’s a Lemonade, CPK, Panda Express and a Coffee Bean. What more does one need?
  21. I can’t believe the bookstore has three levels. How many clothes can you have that say “USC” before you’ve gone overboard?
  22. Apparently, “you can never have enough clothes” according to the third year students who are currently stocking up on more USC swag. 
  23. LOL, a shirt that says “FUCLA.” I like that.
  24. There are a lot of students here, I hope that I don’t get swallowed whole when I come in August. 
  25. This will be my new home for the next four years and I can really see myself spending the next four years on this campus with students who also come from all walks of life. I guess this is what true love feels like. :’)

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