5 Things To Consider Before Taking That Day Trip

By Judy Lee ‘17 

Day trips anywhere are usually tons of fun. However, it is easy to get caught up in the excitement and neglect a lot of small (but important!) details that can make or break your trip. Here are five things you should consider before leaving!

1.     Currency


Simple, but easy to forget. For example, the United Kingdom doesn’t use Euros. Currency also tends to have an exchange rate that varies from place to place, so this is also imperative to keep in mind when budgeting because you may or may not have as much to work with.

2.     Transportation


Does the place you’re travelling to have the same kind of transportation as the place you’re coming from? Is the taxi service reliable? If not, any of these can impact your schedule for the day. Also important to consider is the accessibility by car. If you’re driving, find out if the city is car-friendly!

3.     Itinerary


Nothing sucks more than planning everything and finding out it wasn’t even open to begin with on that day or at that time. Make sure you research these things thoroughly before setting out in order to avoid mishaps that may throw the entire itinerary into upheaval. It’s a good plan to write out everything you want to accomplish with the details that accompany it (hours of operation, happy hours, etc), then go back and rearrange so that the time works out as a whole.

4.     Packing


Remember that packing light is an absolute must. The general rule of thumb is to pack everything you think you need, then removing 1/3-½ of it to have an appropriate amount of items for the trip. Only bring essentials, as you don’t want to spend your trip trying to keep track of all the belongings you brought. Mo’ luggage, mo’ problems.

5.     Accommodations


Airbnb? Hostel? Hotel? Motel? Friend’s house? Confirm this before you even leave. Research all available prices so that you’re getting the best deal. If travelling with friends for example, it may be cheaper to split an Airbnb than have individual hostel costs. Consider this when booking.

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