5 Ways To Destress Right Now

By Judy Lee ‘17

1. Breathing exercises

Sometimes, the anxiety you feel may just be how fast your heart is beating. The simple solution, of course, is to slow it down by breathing slowly. Count to 5 as you inhale and exhale. 


2. Listen to your favorite music

Music has been repeatedly proven to lower stress levels. Take some time to sit/lay there with your favorite song every day.


3. Take a 20 minute walk

Exercise releases endorphins AND you will have time to think. Double whammy.


4. Drink some tea

Tea has been known to decrease cortisol levels and protect against a boatload of diseases. Especially in this cold weather, who doesn’t like a piping hot drink?


5. Sleep

Chances are, especially as a USC student, you need sleep. Now, just knocking out is not always the best idea–especially on a time crunch. Use sleep calculators like this one to determine when you should wake up so you don’t interrupt any important dream mojo!


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