7 Things USC Transfer Students Know to Be True

By: Alexis M Peters ‘20

As told by a USC transfer student:

1. It can be a bear to get your credits to line up

I am #blessed that I didn’t have to take a freshman seminar, but boy do I wish I could have skipped WRIT 150. And I practically had to write a whole dissertation on why I should get credit for the Gen Chem class I took at my previous university.

2. There are so many amazing classes, it’s almost overwhelming

I don’t know how it was where you were before, but seeing the list of available classes at USC, I was blown away. I got to take a class about Harry Potter. Yes, that’s what I said: Harry Potter!! (Read about it here!)

3. You don’t always know what grade you’re in

If you’re a spring admit like me, the simple question “What year are you?” isn’t so simple anymore…

4. You learn to make friends anywhere with anyone

Most of my friends are not in my grade, and that’s just the nature of the beast that is transferring colleges. I didn’t have freshman dorms or freshman seminars to solidify my place within my graduating class, so I have some friends who are seniors and some who are freshman and some in between.

5. Be prepared to answer questions about why you transferred

People are going to ask, I promise.

6. It’s easy to get swallowed up in the crowd

You’ve got to join a club and find your people. Freshman dorms and freshman classes are really formative and that’s where people find a lot of their friends. But as transfer student, you need to look elsewhere. And in a big school like ‘SC, it can seem pretty daunting.

7. It was worth it.

Even after having to complete the Common App all over again, visiting my advisor about my credits nearly once a week that first month of school, and wondering if I’d ever find friends in this ginormous school, my love for USC is deep and true. I know that I’m right where I need to be.

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