feelin' like P. Diddy (Riese)?

By Grace Carballo ‘17


If you haven’t heard of Diddy Riese, I can safely assume that you are not from around here, are a freshman, and/or do not have access to a car on campus. Also, I feel I should clarify it doesn’t have anything to do with P. Diddy, though like my girl Kesha, I often wake up feeling like he does. Fear not, college is a learning experience, and I am here to teach you what’s what. 

Diddy Riese cookies have a lot of hype for good reason. This is some top quality baking. Unfortunately, the store itself (where you can make truly beautiful and innovative ice cream sandwiches with fresh cookies as the breading) is in Westwood near this other school we’re not too fond of. 

Where there is a will, there is a way - to acquire copious amounts of cookies.


This week from 10pm-midnight (February 23-26), NAMI (USC National Alliance on Mental Illness) will bring you cookies to snack on while you study. On Thursday night, they will also be selling these cookies on the row.

Just let them know what type, when, and where and they will call you when they get to your study spot. If these cookies don’t motivate you to excel on your midterms, nothing will. Place orders here !

PLUS that is not all!

NEXT WEEK- on Monday, March 2nd, from 11 am to 5 pm, USC WYSE (Women and Youth Supporting Each Other) will also have a Diddy Riese fundraiser. You can never have too many cookies, especially for just $1 each, and they will make a great Monday pick-me-up or delivery for that special someone you know in Greek life. 

All proceeds go to fund activities teaching and empowering 8th grade mentees at local middle schools. For more info, check out the WYSE website.


Enjoy these 8 days of cookies, which will taste even sweeter as you help raise money for 2 important organizations on campus!




International Food Fair at McCarthy Quad