Galentine’s Day Activities — Based on Which Parks and Rec Character You Are

By: Ann Nguyen ‘22

Happy Galentine’s Day!! “Oh, what’s Galentine’s Day? It’s only the best day of the year.” “February 14, Valentine’s Day, is about romance, but February 13, Galentine’s Day, is about celebrating lady friends. It’s wonderful, and it should be a national holiday.” — Leslie Knope, Parks and Recreation

If you don’t already have plans yet to set up your mother with an old flame or your best friend with… well, just about anyone, don’t worry. Whether you’re a Ron, April, Ann, or anyone in between, I’ve got the perfect Galentine’s Day activity for you!

Leslie Knope

This is THE holiday for you because, honestly, every holiday is the one for you. You go all out in everything you do, and Galentine’s Day will certainly be no different. It’s time to throw the best cooking and crafts party the world has ever seen. Bake cookies, and have a cookie decorating contest. Have everyone write cute personalized Galentine’s Day cards for the squad. Do a Bob Ross painting together. Let the creativity flow — and eat lots of delicious sweets, while you’re at it!

Ann Perkins

“Ann, you poetic, noble land-mermaid.” Let’s forget about relationships for today and just focus on you. You like keeping things classic — straight out of a romantic comedy, classic. Have a chill night, where all you have to do is sit back and relax. Pick some Netflix movies or shows — maybe have a To All the Boys marathon or even rewatch the three Parks and Recreation Galentine’s Day episodes, put on some face masks, and paint your nails. You deserve it!.. And why not? Maybe gossip about crushes and relationship drama just a little. 

Ron Swanson

Let’s keep this simple. There’s no need to go too crazy. It’s not that big of a deal. But you not-so-secretly, you know exactly what you should do with the besties: board game party! You love riddles and showing off your wit and strategic prowess. Break out the Settlers of Catan, Coup, Codenames, and Cards Against Humanity. If you have Jackbox games, compete in some Trivia Murder Party and Quiplash. If you’re really feeling edgy, start up an intense game of Mafia. 

Ben Wyatt

Breakfast + Lunch = Brunch. Galentine’s Day + Brunch = PERFECTION! You like doing things traditionally, and what’s more traditional than celebrating Galentine’s Day just how it’s done in Parks and Recreation. You’re also a very sophisticated individual, and you’ll be sure to make the morning fancy and delightful. Mmm, just think of all the yummy breakfast treats you can have at an appropriate time from around 10-11:30 AM. Alternatively, bring out your inner super nerd, and host a Dungeons and Dragons — or rather, a Cones of Dunshire — night. Maybe even do both! You’re really good at just about everything. Go hard or go home. 

Chris Traeger

Your heart is always on your sleeve. Galentine’s Day could be the perfect opportunity to just really vent and let it all out. Keep things edgy and real. Start with some casual Truth or Dare. Maybe throw out mementos from your last failed relationships together, and then have a good cry, watching a cheesy romantic drama like just about any Nicholas Sparks movie. It’ll literally be the best night ever!

April Ludgate

Well, all of Valentine’s Day is dumb. Who needs this corporate-created, pointless holiday that is basically consumerism incarnate, anyway? No one — but you still enjoy celebrating it and Galentine’s Day. You just don’t want to be basic about it. Go thrift shopping, and pick funny outfits for each other to try on. Watch a really bad teen rom com like The Kissing Booth, and laugh at how terribly cliche it is together. Make your own candy hearts with personalized messages that actually reflect how awesome your girls are. Get temporary tattoos of your squad. Glam up, and go hang out in a pizza parlor, the movie theater, or maybe an arcade. After all, you and your friends can have a party anywhere, for any occasion.

Andy Dwyer

Just drive. You’re all about spontaneity, going with the flow, and being just a tad bit extra in the very best way. Maybe you and the gals want to go somewhere for the weekend. Pick a place, and see where the adventure takes you. If you don’t want to go too far, try to find some area of LA you haven’t been too yet or haven’t explored enough. It doesn’t really matter! It’s all about the fun y’all have together and the moments you create along the way. 

Jerry Gergich

Oh you lovable puppy dog! What you need is some quality snuggle time. Get the squad together for a quality potluck dinner, then roasts marshmallows by the fire. Eat some s’mores, and let all your worries and stresses drift away. 

Donna Meagle

You are truly a goddess, and you know it! You’re not afraid to be your confident self and do something bold. So maybe go crazy with your makeup. Throw on your sparkliest, hottest dress, put on some killer heels, and get ready to party. Or if you aren’t feeling that, go out in matching PJs and sweatpants. Do whatever makes you feel most comfortable. There are lots of fun dance clubs, karaoke clubs, late night eateries, etc. in LA. Go explore your city, and claim the night for you and your besties. Alternatively glam up and just stay at home to have your own private jam session.

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