
By Kelly Kinas ‘17

Unfortunately, not every one of your friends is lucky enough to go to USC. This university is exclusive and maybe your friends didn’t get in or chose to go somewhere else. Either way, USC is the best university and whether your friends know it or not, they wish they went here. When you go home and start telling people how amazing USC really is, it will probably make them jealous and sometimes friendships end because of jealousy. SO for you to keep your friends, here are some sarcastic examples of how to talk to your friends about USC that sound like bad things but are actually good.


“Dude, I ONLY went to the beach 7 times this semester.”

“It rained. TWICE.”

“I went to the game and we almost lost. ALMOST. I almost had a heart attack”

“My social life halted for one night when I had to go to this networking event with prevalent alumni”

“One of my classes had over 100 people in it. I didn’t get as much face time with the professor as I would have wanted”

“My internships were only Fortune 500 companies. I need more diversity than that”


“All of my friends are really successful and here I am with only 4 executive positions and 2 jobs”

“I go to USC and all of the people here are super smart and talented. Sometimes I feel only slightly above average. If I went to a different school, I would probably feel better”

“One Tuesdays this semester, my classes only gave me a 10 minute break in between and I had to run from class to class. My life was horrible”

“A few days this semester, I only had 3 tables give me free food.”


“The philanthropies I run only raised tens of thousands of dollars and not hundreds of thousands.”

“I met some alumni this semester and I didn’t bring my business cards with me”

“Our football team only ended up in the top 25 in the nation. That’s horrible!”

“If our football ranking is higher than our acceptance rate, it was a horrible season.”

“I had to break out sweaters before Thanksgiving Break this year. It was traumatizing”


“There weren’t any outlets open in the library so I had to go to one of our new buildings”

“I was only 5 minutes early to my meeting because I was blindsided by the beauty of our campus”

“Our campus is amazing and USC is still improving it! The only thing is that it will be done after I graduate”

“One of my professors won the Nobel Prize for chemistry but his office hours suck”


“The dining hall right below where I live closes for the 30 minutes that I have between classes. I can’t get a waffle until later”

“My RA took me paddle boarding and I got sun burnt”

“The alumni at the events I go to are always so nice that I ran out of business cards. I have to order more now”

“USC encourages people to be so involved that all of my clubs have events on the same day”

Yeah. Good luck convincing them. I think USC is just too amazing to make sound like a horrible university. Shucks! You’ll friends will just have to get over it.

Have a great winter break!! Fight on!


Introverts and Extroverts: What are these pseudointellectual words being thrown around and what does it mean?


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