Lessons From A Trojan Entrepreneur

By Ellice Ellis ‘20

Lauren Jones will be the first to tell you she doesn’t have it all figured out. Founder and face of LoJo Media started her career right here at USC as a journalism student. 

LoJo Media is a Los Angeles based media company providing sports fans with a behind-the-scenes perspective on their favorite athletes and trending sports stories.  Her biggest client is the Nike sponsored ‘Drew League. “ known for attracting LA streetball legends, collegiate athletes, and several NBA stars.

Her company’s goal is to shed light on the positive impact athletes have had historically and continue to have on our society.

Jones, only 24 has had many successes in her post-graduate life; including landing her dream job at ESPN and starting her own company. In my interview with her, she offered some advice for college students, specifically those with an entrepreneurial mindset.


Be reflective.

Jones came to USC not knowing what she wanted to study. She told me she had always had an interest in sports, journaled a lot as a child and was natural extrovert with a knack for public speaking

The combination of the three, along with her desire to not take a math class led her to USC Annenberg’s journalism program. To Lauren, being reflective is important because it gives her time to evaluate her strengths and weaknesses.

She applied this same method of thinking after being let go from ESPN and making the decision to work on her media venture full-time. Lauren described this part of her entrepreneurial journey as a difficult one.

She tells me that what assured her she was making the right decision was a reliance on skills she had acquired over the years and her powerful network.
Without looking inward and assessing her personal and professional toolbox, Lauren wouldn’t be the entrepreneur she is today.

Relationships, Relationships, Relationships.

From what I gathered, Lauren is the queen of relationships. From staying in touch with USC alum to having solid contacts at ESPN; her network is her net worth. Not only was she an Annenberg student but Lauren was friends with many athletes and loved sports. 

Now, the same athletes she was friends with are subjects in the content she produces.
Lauren says that her strong and real relationships with athletes and people in the sports world are why her content and media company works.

She takes time to get to know each of her subjects, she keeps in touch and is never afraid to reach out. Athletes and other sports personalities will give her a scoop on a story or a first interview because they trust and know her on a deeper, more meaningful level

When speaking of relationships, she also stressed the importance of her professional organization. She is a member of the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) and described their events and conference as an essential in her toolbox. In the organization, she has found great mentors, job opportunities, and advice.

Be Yourself.

You have all probably heard this simple piece of advice before. But being yourself and individuality is essential to the success of LoJo Media. Lauren told me it has taken her a long time to be confident in the person she is today, but in the end, that journey has paid off.


Athletes appreciate her realness and they know that she really cares because she always presents her true, authentic self.

Something specific and important to Lauren Jones and LoJo Media is her attention to the importance of mentorship and giving back.
Staying true to herself has also inspired many of her goals. She hopes to inspire young girls through her authenticity.

Focus On The Why. 

One of Lauren’s mentors at USC introduced her to the concept of ‘The Golden Circle.’ It is a concept presented by Simon Sinek in his TED Talk "Start with Why”.

The ‘Why’ is your purpose, passion, and core.
Lauren tells me that focusing on this, why you do something or why your brand exists is why she’s successful.

Entrepreneurship and starting your career is “not an easy journey,” but as Lauren says “the why makes everything easier.”
During tough times and in the midst of setbacks it’s a reminder to keep going.

“You will experience bumps and bruises but if you believe in "The Why”, the passion will shine through.“

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