My Moving Journey: What I Learned (Part 2)

By: Sydney Henry ‘24

Welcome back! This is Part 2 of My Moving Journey, so make sure to go and check out Part 1 first before reading this one. Part 2 is going to be all about the actual plane ride and touching down in LA! The best part!

Jumping right in, up next for me was making sure that I got all the essentials done before I left. This is different for everyone, but I made sure to get my hair braided, get a manicure and pedicure, and buy any last minute things I wanted to take on the plane or to California in general. I was worried I couldn’t fit it all in my suitcase cause it was so packed, but I made it work.

*Side note: I really wish there was a way to use emojis in these posts so my emotions could be better displayed!*

Once all of that was done, two things were left on my list. One, to gather all important documents and items like my social security card, ID, birth certificate, medication, etc. to make sure they were all packed and ready to go. That one didn’t take too long, thankfully. 

The next part — which was awkward, scary, and also a relief — was to tell my manager that I was leaving (quitting) to go to school in California. I had barely made it four weeks on the job, so I felt terrible that I had to just spring it up on her like that. She was taken off guard, but very supportive because it meant that I was getting a higher education and she was fully behind that.

Next on the journey is the morning of the flight, arrival at the airport, boarding the flight, and touchdown!

The morning of the flight, I was pretty calm. Certain things did go off schedule, aka, they delayed my flight an hour on the day of, but I tried not to let it fluster me. I also double and triple checked that I had everything, which I believed I did!

The airport is definitely an anxiety inducing place. There’s so many people running around, there’s COVID, and there’s the tiredness from the night before when you might’ve stayed up all night thinking about what you may have forgotten. Thankfully, I had my sister to take charge and lead us through the airport as she’s the one that has taken the most flights out of all of us. 

  • But, if you are flying alone, pro tip: ask for help. There is bound to be an airport employee around the entrance to guide you as to what you should do and where you should go. 

  • Another tip: stay calm! With all those people moving around, you’re bound to get super jumpy, especially with COVID, but take your time. If you’ve gotten to the airport with enough time before your flight, you won’t have to rush.


There’s still more happening after this, but I was finally able to touchdown in California and was super excited to get off and stand on land. 

Unfortunately, a plane was at our gate and we had to wait like 40 minutes before we were able to fully get off. But once we did, it was everything. 

Even though nothing super exciting was happening, it was both a relief and joy that I had finally made it here after over a year of waiting. I had finally done something I hadn’t even thought I could do!

This is totally optional, but like I mentioned in my previous post about this subject, start or create a countdown timer. 

Instagram has an option to create one and I took advantage of that and posted it on my close friends’ story every week or so to remind myself of what was coming up. First it was 30 days away, then it was 14 days away, next thing I knew, it was flight day!

I also recommend filming the process as best as you can. It doesn’t necessarily have to be done to post on YouTube or any other social media platform, but just for yourself to look back in the next year, or 5 years, or 10 years. It’ll show how much you’ve grown and improved since then and can maybe even share that knowledge with others.

  • I filmed parts of my process, took lots of Instagram stories, and snapped pictures of my first days/weeks here; my life has really changed and changed for the better!

At first, I was super homesick and cried because I missed my family, but as I started to settle in, make new friends, and attend more events, things got better; I 10/10 recommend going to football games and buying a season pass! I now feel so much more welcomed and comfortable. I still have a ways to go but for right now, I’m riding the waves as they come.

It is definitely never too early or late to start to think about moving, especially when it’s for college in a whole new state or city. To all my first time movers out there, you’ve definitely got this! Stay calm and #FightOn!

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My Moving Journey: What I Learned (Part 1)