USC’s Official Student-Run Blog

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What I Learned Applying for Summer Internships (Pt.2)

By: Sydney Henry ‘24

In the first part I covered the first step when it comes to applying for internships and the importance of a resume and cover letter. Now let’s get into what to do once you get those first two steps out of the way. Now comes research and actively applying.

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Career Trojans360 Career Trojans360

What I Learned Applying for Summer Internships (Pt.1)

By: Sydney Henry ‘24

The semester is winding down fast and summer is approaching very quickly. Some people are deciding to go on vacation, some people are getting a summer job, and some just want to do nothing this summer. A lot of people, including myself, are applying for internship and don’t know where to start when it comes to applying for them. So here is what I have learned while applying for internships.

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Campus Life Trojans360 Campus Life Trojans360

My Moving Journey: What I Learned (Part 1)

By: Sydney Henry ‘24

Welcome back everyone! It’s a new semester, everyone is back on campus, and everyone is still not over the end of summer break. My last post of the spring semester talked about me getting ready to move cross country from New York to California to attend USC, and let’s just say I both did and didn’t follow my own advice. Yikes! But, as I said in that last post, this is a learning experience for all of us, and I definitely learned a lot. A lot that I can share with you all.

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Trojans360 Trojans360

How to Get Ready to Move to Campus

By: Sydney Henry ‘24

The end of the semester is finally here and everyone is eager to get ready for the day when we get to move onto campus. At least, I know I am so ready to move-in and get to see all the internet friends I made over the past year. But, I also know that many of you may be scared and unsure of what exactly you need to know or do in order to make such a big move. I am in the same boat; I have never moved in my life, and now all of a sudden I need to move cross country. So, this will be a learning experience for all of us, but hopefully some of the research I’ve done can help you figure out what you should and shouldn’t do during this big move.

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Trojans360 Trojans360

How to Handle Living at Home with Your Parents While Going to College (Quarantine Edition)

By: Sydney Henry ‘24

I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who is not currently living their best (covid-free) life in Cali right now. I, similar to most of you, have been at home with my parents ever since quarantine started almost a year ago. It is really challenging sometimes because the only space that feels like mine is my room. But, staying within these 4 walls all day, everyday has made my irritation levels skyrocket and my social battery empty. So here are some ways you can deal with living at home with your parents until we can make it to sunny California.

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Health & Wellness Trojans360 Health & Wellness Trojans360

How to Create a Mood (Vision) Board for 2021

By: Sydney Henry ‘24

I’m pretty sure we’re all glad that 2020 is nearing its end because this year has been ROUGH!!! I know it’s hard to be optimistic about what positive vibes 2021 might bring for us. So how can you bring that optimism back? Try creating a mood board for 2021 to guide yourself through the changes coming in the new year.

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First Years Trojans360 First Years Trojans360

A Recap of the First Semester of Freshman Year (Part 2)

By: Sydney Henry ‘24

Welcome to Part 2 of my recap of the first semester of freshman year. Part 2 of this recap is all about discussing how to deal with the mental and emotional toll this semester has taken on everyone. Between the pandemic, attending Zoom University: USC Edition, and dealing with everything else going wrong, it’s a lot. So how do you stay calm and sane with everything going on?

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First Years, Helpful Tips Trojans360 First Years, Helpful Tips Trojans360

Different Ways to Make Friends as an Incoming Freshman

By: Sydney Henry ‘24

So you’ve finally paid your $300 dollar deposit to confirm your enrollment at USC and announced your decision by posting on Instagram on Decision Day, but what now? You check the different USC decision day hashtags and see several people post that they got into USC and decided to attend for the next 4 years. You want to reach out to them, but you don’t know exactly how. That’s where I step in and give you some different way to become friends with these people, whether you’re completely online or on campus.

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Campus Life, Helpful Tips Trojans360 Campus Life, Helpful Tips Trojans360

Tips and Tricks to College Fashion

By: Sydney Henry ‘24

I know we’re remote right now, but that shouldn’t stop us from looking good during our Zoom classes or for a quick pic on Instagram to add to your follower’s feed. But a key piece to looking “good” in college is your sense of style. Style or fashion in general can be confusing and frustrating for many. It can also be expensive and inconvenient because no one wants to drop bands on clothes or spend hours upon hours trying to pick an outfit. So here are some tips and tricks that you can apply to make your wardrobe stylish and convenient, while also not breaking the bank.

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