No Gym? No Problem?: Stay Fit Over The Break

By: Ellice Ellis ‘20 

You’ve made it! The semester has ended, finals are over, and you might be back home ready to eat all the things. We Trojans love Lyon and the Village Recreation center. Still, those amenities aren’t necessarily available to all of us at home. 

It’s no secret that between food, family, and friends, staying fit over the holidays is a challenge for many people, but it doesn’t have to be. Gym memberships are hassle and boutique fitness classes are expensive, but there are other ways to stay fit and in tune with your body when away from the gym. 

Everyone’s body is different, and there’s no one size fits all approach to fitness. However, smaller actions like drinking water, walking when you can, or even maximizing your vegetable intake can go a long way in improving your overall health, especially during the holidays when the food is abundant. 

Once again, Trojans360 is here to rescue with ten gems for staying fit over winter break. 

1. Drink Water 

Water. So crisp and refreshing but also fantastic for the body. When you can, cut out sugary drinks, sodas, and juice and drink water.

Staying hydrated is important because your brain can sometimes confuse thirst with hunger. A large glass of water before a meal can help lessen the amount of food you eat and help with digestion.

 I suggest drinking six to eight glasses of water per day and two additional big glasses of water before the big celebratory meals

2. Walk More 

If you didn’t know, I’m a city girl. Born and raised in D.C, where walking was my favorite mode of transportation and a great way to maintain fitness. Walking is an easy way to stay in shape because it requires only a pair of supportive shoes, and it’s something you can do pretty much anywhere.

If you’re from a city, go on a walking tour and visit some touristy sites. Try parking farther away from the grocery store or offering to walk a neighbor’s dog. 

If you’re not making it to the gym due to choice or circumstance, there are always ways to get exercise.

3. Look to YouTube for Workouts 

When I feel stuck in my workout routine, I often hit up YouTube for ideas. Tap into the platform for a free workout while you’re home over the break. You can kill two birds with one stone – getting in shape without dropping a dime or leaving the comfort of your living room.

My favorite fitness channels are FitnessBlender and Chloe Ting. Both have complete workouts and fitness challenges you can start over the break

4. Practice Mindful Eating 

If you don’t know what mindful eating is, it is about developing an awareness of your experiences, physical cues, and feelings about food. For me, it prevents me from overindulging and allows me to eat foods that make my body feel good. 

First, I practice acceptance, not judgment when it comes to food, my eating habits, and my perception of myself. Concentrate on the moment while eating and accept your body as it is.

Second, make a conscious decision to eat. Before you eat, ask yourself, “How hungry am I right now? Am I eating out of hunger, habit, boredom, or emotion?”

I try to plan meals and not eat on the fly or in a rush. My food tastes better, and I feel better after eating. 

Lastly, please avoid distractions while eating. Eat at a table. Turn off the TV and put away your phone, work, books, and magazines until you are done.

When you appreciate your food and become intentional about the process of eating, you prevent falling into unhealthy habits. 

5. Don’t Beat Yourself Up When Indulging 

Mindful eating goes hand in hand with not being hard on yourself when you eat “bad” foods. Consistently criticizing yourself will not inspire you to rein in your eating but eating mindfully will.

As someone who transitioned from veganism from being vegetarian, I used to be very harsh on myself when I slipped up and ate cheese or consumed other dairy products. Now, I’ve transitioned to eating plant-based, focusing on the foods that make my body feel best. 

No one’s diet is perfect, especially over the holidays. Letting go of food guilt and eating what you want is the healthiest food move you can make. Eat that mac & cheese, drink that hot chocolate and go for that 3rd plate. It’s worth it. 

The throughline here is to not be too hard on yourself. Remember to relax a little. Enjoy holiday traditions and embrace special times with friends and family members. These tips will help you do your best to maintain your fitness level and feel great about your body. 

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