Questions To Expect In Every Interview And How To Answer Them

By: Jordan Bucknor ‘22

I’ve had a couple of interviews these past two weeks or so, and I’ve definitely noticed a pattern: the questions. While every interview was a bit different, the majority of the questions were just variations of ones I had answered previously. So below, I’ve not only compiled a list of those questions and ones similar, but I’ve given you some tips on how to answer them. Keep reading if you want to figure out how to ace your next interview!

1. Tell me about yourself.

Not only will you almost certainly get this question, but you’ll probably get it first! Use it to get your interview started on the right foot. Essentially, deliver a bit of an elongated elevator pitch about yourself. You don’t want to talk for too long or too short of a time, but this is a great opportunity to talk about your background and goals! You could even possibly knock out a lot of interviewer questions in one go if you really go into detail. Try to insert some nice, solid details in there that will stick with them even after the interview is over.

2. Why do you want to work for this company?

This is a great opportunity to really show off your research! If you looked them up beforehand (which you definitely should), you could drop the names of people on their staff who you admire, a part of their mission statement you resonate with, or a project of theirs you really admire. Your use of specific details will translate into a genuine excitement to work at the company and is sure to score you points in the interview.

3. Where do you see yourself in the future?

Whether the goals be long-term or short term, don’t only explain them, but elaborate on how the particular company can aid in getting you there! Interviewers don’t only want to know how you can help them, but how they can help you; it’s a two-way street!

4. What tasks did you take on in your previous roles?

This is a great chance to touch on your qualifications and how they specifically relate to the role you’re about to take on! Let them know how your skills can transfer over from what you were previously doing. Even if the tasks weren’t in the exact field or area you wanted them to be, you could still use this question as a way to segue into the roles you do want to be doing. Basically, let them know you have what it takes to do the job!

5. Tell me about your communication/management style.

Your answer will probably differ based on the career you’re in, but I think the key to this question is to make sure you convey that you’re an agreeable person and would not be difficult to work with. Even in independent roles, most will require some collaboration so show you’re comfortable with that by giving specific examples of your teamwork!

6. What interests you about working in this industry?

What in your personal history/background drew you into your field? What led you to USC, to your major, and to your specific classes? What is the thing that drives you personally? If you can convey your personal connection and conviction toward your work, it is likely to inspire understanding and admiration in your interviewer. If they empathize with you, they are more likely to want to help you in your journey. It is also likely that they will remember your honesty in the future!

7. What’s your availability?

Yeah, this is a super basic question, but it is one that probably will be asked. This is just a good thing to think about beforehand because it would suck for it to be brought and not yet know the answer or be undecided. Will you be working part-time? Full time? How many hours? What days? Do you need school credit or not? The answer to these could alter whether or not you could actually take the internship in the first place, so make sure you have everything figured out beforehand!

8. Do you have any questions?

This question is just as important as the one listed as #1. Do not overlook its usefulness! It could be used to turn a good interview into a great one, or turn a bad one around! The direction of the interview is now in your hands; you’re in the driver’s seat! I have a whole post about questions you could ask, but some of my favorites are: “Is there anything I can clear up regarding my qualifications?” and “Why do you personally enjoy working at this company?” The first is a great way to ensure the interviewer knows you can handle the work of the job; the second demonstrates a genuine interest in the company culture and because most people enjoy talking about themselves, might put you on their good side too!

Despite what all this may lead you to believe, you can’t script an interview. Even with all the practice in the world, there’s no concrete way of knowing what the interviewer will ask. These tips should definitely help, but so should remaining calm, genuine and engaged in the conversation!

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